Welcome Year 4 | Thames CURRICULUM evening
Developing Compassionate Citizens
Curriculum overview: information for the year
Weekly Blog
Handwriting: Penpals scheme, daily practise Year 4 Curriculum Handwriting: Penpals scheme, daily practise Maths: Teaching for mastery Fluency – arithmetic and reasoning Problem solving Justification Recall multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12 (times tables will be screened at end Year 4 from 2020; the short online test is being trialled this year in some selected schools – not us – with voluntary testing from 2019).
Year 4 Curriculum Writing targets include: To proofread and improve own work and that of others To write and punctuate direct speech Apostrophes Pronouns to avoid repetition
Year 4 Curriculum Reading To gather information from more than one place in the text and use inference based on what is shown rather than being told. To begin to interpret sophisticated word-play and puns. To explain a character’s motivations and discuss the points of view of the character and the narrator.
Communication Beginning and end of the day. Working together. Steps of communication: Class teacher Phase Leader (Mr Rolls) Dr Biddulph
Guided Reading (Book Club) Reading at home – reading record for your use with your child – this will not be completed in school Bug Club Reading for Pleasure Snuggle with a Story
Great Sites for Books • http://booksforkeeps.co.uk/ (online magazine for children) • http://www.wordsforlife.org.uk (for parents to support children’s reading habits) • http://www.welovetoread.co.uk/ (ditto) • http://www.booktrust.org.uk/ (Book lists by age and genre) • http://www.lovereading4kids.co.uk/ (as above) • http://schoolreadinglist.co.uk/ (as above) •
LAMDA Whole class sessions every Monday will continue, to develop oracy and confidence.
P.E. Topics this term are ball skills and gymnastics. PE is on Mondays and Wednesdays. Premier Sports and Mr Drane will be teaching Year 4 this term. Children can leave or take kits home whenever needed. Year 4 children will be having swimming lessons during the school year.
Supporting your Child at Home Read with your child every day – 20 minutes Help your child learn their multiplication tables Support them to become more responsible for their own belongings Support routines, plenty of sleep
Assessment Teacher assessment to inform next steps in responsive journals. Baseline tests in maths, reading, oracy and dialogue Regular progress checks (teacher assessment) across the curriculum.
Morning SNAck The children are often hungry by first break, please do supply them with a healthy snack of fruit or vegetables (no nuts).
Year 4 Residential TRIP This will take place at the start of the summer term, at a PGL adventure centre in Suffolk (Bawdsey Manor), and will involve 2 nights and 3 days away from home. A briefing meeting will follow early in the Spring Term but permission can be given now and payments started to spread the cost.
Any questions?