CTAG Experience from The Cherwell School, Marston Ferry Road, OX3 Simon Banks, B.Sc.(Hons) Environmental Health, (Retired) Lay Member, Cherwell School Travel Action Group CTAG
This is what’s possible:
Your School HAS A TRAVEL PLAN Find it, Update it, Implement it
. For information: Transport Development Control Oxfordshire County Council Highways, Environment & Economy Speedwell House Speedwell Street Oxford, OX1 1NE Tel: 01865 815090 E-mail: transport.development.control@oxfordshire.gov.uk
Results The Cherwell School Travel Plan: REDUCES the number of motor vehicles on local roads 4000 CARS a day = 4000 less “Escort” / Chaperone journeys to school Cherwell Students can be Trusted to get themselves to school on their own
That’s not to say Kids don’t need “a reminder”: Support & Provision of: Road-worthy bikes (Brakes & Tyres), warm mittens / leather gloves, Helmet(?), waterproofs back pack, pedestrian reflectors / Effective Bike Lights Bus Pass / emergency transport “cash”. All Measures of LOVE
? definition of “negligent parent(s)”: Those who don’t teach young people how to cross the road safely.
THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON AT YOUR SCHOOL IS .... YOUR LEADER: THE HEAD TEACHER And the school senior leadership team Supported by the Junior Leadership Team
LEADERSHIP A Travel Action Group Parents committed to the health & welfare of their children Teacher from SLT Students – junior leadership team Local County Councillor Co-opted members of the community – Police, Cyclox, the Oxford Cycling Campaign
Talking finds the right person who can help Problems? The solution is to TALK Talking finds the right person who can help
2. Gain Cycle Skills ?just for kids? Road Safety Education Fire Rescue Service HQ Sterling Road Kidlington OX5 2DU Tel: 01865 343167
3. Implement the Obvious Build secure cycle parking provision it will be over-subscribed by students and staff 30% of whom now “Park & Cycle”
Dangerous Motor Vehicle Manoeuvres / Poor Driver Behaviour / skill level outside your school? OBSERVE Talk to the Driver Write to the parent / carer of the child who leaves the car about the driving Advise
I AM Institute of Advanced Motorists Kidlington based 1st Weds eveng of month friendly bunch 200 members of all ages since June 1961 run by enthusiastic volunteers with an interest in Advanced Driving & motor cycle Riding.
the IAM Advanced Driving Test You’re teamed up with one of the IAM Observers. They volunteer their time to help you no additional cost. you’ll drive them in your own car 6-10 sessions of 1½ hours, mutually convenient timing They provide the guidance and coaching to get you to pass your Advanced Test. proud of their high pass rate DROPS YOUR INSURANCE PREMIUM.
Cycle Skills NOW Young People gain road experience Escorted trips waste economically valuable adult time Saves 6 driving lessons to gain driving licence @£40 per hour? = £250 in 2027 = inter-rail ticket / holiday
. Save 25-39% on a new bike for work Tax is complicated the cycle to work scheme is not. Parent chooses a bike, hires it for an agreed length of time, then buys it back for a fraction of its original value. - a “year-round sale”, with interest free credit available in over 2,000 retailers nationwide.
Information Orbit tandem Triplet £699 on eBay now OR BUY NEW from: Summertown Cycles BIKE ZONE Warlands Cycles Walton St Cycles
The :-
“Stranger Danger” Who Kills the most Children? THE PARENTS THEMSELVES Or other family members / friends / known to the child The one exception:
Travel with Friends: “mates” class-mates Neighbours Know how to walk alone, day & night “breakaway” training Family code words
Smart people Get to school on time Are ready to learn Walk & Cycle Exercise Fresh Air Get THE BEST EXAM RESULTS !