Mesopotamian Culture
City States Each City State had it’s own government Often went to war for glory or power. Geographically separated from other City States
religion Polytheistic= Worship multiple gods. Each God was thought to have power over a natural force or a human activity. Example: God of flooding or basket weaving. Each God was worshiped and believed to protect and rule over a particular city in Mesopotamia. Sumerians tried very hard to please their gods.
Ziggurat Ziggurat means “Mountain of God” or “Hill of Heaven” Sumerians believed that the Ziggurat was the home of the god of their city. Priests and priestesses were powerful and controlled much of the land. They were very power members of society. Priests and Priestesses could only enter the top of the Ziggurat
Government Kings ran the government. Led armies and organized building projects. Position was passed to family members. Sons would take over ruling when their father died. Priests and Priestesses assisted Kings in the running of the government and counseled them on decisions.
Life in Sumer Kings lived in large palaces. Ordinary people live in small mud-brick houses.
Work Farmers or Artisans ( skilled workers who made metal products, cloth, or pottery.) Merchants or traders ( traveled to other cities and towns and traded, tools, wheat, and barley for copper, tin, and timber)
Social Classes People were divided into three social classes. Stayed in the social class you where born into. Rarely could move up Upper Class= Kings, priests, warriors, and government officials. Middle Class= artisans, merchants, farmers, and fishers. (Largest Class) Lower Class= enslaved people who worked on farms or in temples. *Draw the picture were draw in class in your notes! *
Enslaved People & Men vs. Women Enslaved people were forced to serve others. Some were prisoners of war. Some where criminals, others had to pay off debts. Women Men headed the households. Decided whom their children would marry and could go to school. Had some rights, could buy and sell property and run businesses.
Advances With your group you are going to use pages 136-139 to identify all of the advances the Mesopotamian civilization made. Make a list. Rank them from most influential to least influential. Explain your rankings.