A fair and equal life for girls and boys: Being fair I understand that how I look, how I behave, or my aspirations should not be limited by stereotypes, my sex or expectations of what boys and girls should do. I can give examples of, and can challenge, stereotypes. I show respect for others. I understand and accept diversity amongst my peers. rshp.scot
Activity: Being Fair rshp.scot
Prejudice is when you decide something about a person just because of the way they look, or maybe where they come from, so before you even get to know them you think something negative.
Discrimination is about what you do, it is when you treat someone badly because of who they are. rshp.scot
Sexism is a kind of prejudice and discrimination Sexism is a kind of prejudice and discrimination. Sexism is the belief that members of one sex are less intelligent or less capable than those of the other sex. Sexism is when someone is treated unfairly just because of their sex. . rshp.scot
Imagine that some new children are coming to join the class. Someone new in school Imagine that some new children are coming to join the class. Introduction to the activity. rshp.scot
My name is Charlie My favourite things are to play with my friends and my two dogs Salt and Pepper. When I was born my parents called me Charlene, I like to be called Charlie. I like to keep my hair cut short, and I don’t like to wear dresses or things like that. Sometimes people can be mean, but I just get on with it, people just need to see me as Charlie. rshp.scot
My name is Mikey I like to read books and write stories. I don’t like it when it’s too noisy. My family are moving to this new place and I am coming to your school and I’m a bit worried about it. What if someone picks on me? rshp.scot
My name is Robin People sometimes don’t understand me very well My name is Robin People sometimes don’t understand me very well. They look at me and they think ‘oh, that’s a girl’, but then they look again and think ‘oh that’s a boy’. People get upset or confused because I want to be me and wear clothes I like and do things I like to do. I like to do sports stuff, I don’t think it’s fair that there are so many rules about being either a boy or a girl. rshp.scot