Baltic Sea GIG Status Ecostat 23 April 2013 By Henning Karup Danish Nature Agency
Baltic Sea typology BT1: PL-LT BT2: LV BT3: SE BC1 BC6 BC8 BC3 Extra type BC9 BC5 BC4 BC2: lagoons DE-PL BC7
Outstanding issues BC2 still to clarified FI-SE BC 3 FI-EE BC 4 EE-LV BC 5 LI-LV-PL BC 6 SE-DK BC 7 DE-PL BC 8 DE-DK BC 9 EE-FI-SE Phytoplankton Biomass Taxa composition Annex 2 _ Annex 1 Macroalge Angiosperms NA Benthic fauna BC2 still to clarified LV and SE transitional areas are not comparable. LI and PL transitional areas still to be clarified. SE to check comparability with LI and PL areas Algae Blooms not possible
Meeting Gothenburg 5. December 2012 Participants: SE (host), DE, DK, FI, LI Estonia had submitted written comments on the phytoplankton intercalibration. Wendy Bonne was consulted by phone Conclusions: 1 The intercalibration to be done on a type specific basis involving only the relevant specialist from the countries included in the type. Specific BQE leads will no longer be available. The GIG lead will do an overall coordination including common GIG reporting to JRC and Ecostat. The reporting will be based on type reports produced by the involved countries. The GIG lead will also prepare one or two meetings a year together with a host country. In order to improve the knowledge on the different steps in the intercalibration process and the use of the statistical tools a two days workshop will be held in October 2013. Before the workshop all countries must have prepared there data and made sure that the preconditions and the IC feasibility check 1 is fulfilled
Work Plan A draft workplan 2013 - 2015 has been circulated to all GIG member states and will be discussed at the next GIG meeting on 24 May 2013 in Helsinki.
Thank You for your attention