ONF IM & TAPI Development Cycle Model development process ONF Core IM Technology IMs KEY Manual process MEF Tooled process ITU-T Model and environment (inc. Papyrus (Eclipse, Open Source)UML tooling) Model and environment (NOT Papyrus) Implementation Network technology and service expert groups provide detailed properties (ideally in UML). Full Technology/Service definitions are pruned and refactored to provide the ONF Specs. Transformation Tooling - IISOMI (Java Script, Open Source) ONF Information Model (IM) Code snippets IETF Comments IEEE Mapping … "https://registry.npmjs.org/xmlbuilder/-/xmlbuilder-8.2.2.tgz" }, "maintainers": [ { "name": "oozcitak", "email": "oozcitak@gmail.com" } ], "_npmOperationalInternal": { "host": "packages-12-west.internal.npmjs.com", "tmp": "tmp/xmlbuilder-8.2.2.tgz_1460102388901_ P&R Tool Mapping Detail ONF Spec Approach Vendor/ operator specific specs can be developed that further narrow the definitions to support particular cases. Proprietary capabilities can also be added using the spec approach. Tool Assisted Prune & Refactor Tool Assisted Prune & Refactor Mapping Detail ONF Spec Approach Generalized Core model is pruned to remove elements not necessary for the TAPI view, for example ProcessingConstruct. Pruned Core model is refactored to project familiar named items, for example: ForwardingConstruct in the Core becomes both Connection and ConnectivityService in TAPI. LogicalTerminationPoint in the Core becomes NodeEdgePoint, ConnectionEndpoint and ServiceEndPoint in TAPI. ODU Spec TAPI IM TAPI ONF Wireless Transport team have used the same approach to construct their interface model. Their model is different from TAPI. Tooled Generation Technology and service specific properties decorate structural classes derived from the ONF Core IM to form a fully detailed interface definition. Model development process UML-YANG tooling generates conformant YANG from any appropriately structured model. YANG, REST, TOSCA… module tapi-connectivity { namespace "urn:onf:params:xml:ns:yang:tapi-connectivity"; prefix tapi-connectivity; import tapi-common { prefix tapi-common; } import tapi-topology { prefix tapi-topology; import tapi-path-computation { prefix tapi-path-computation; organization "Open Networking Foundation (ONF) / Open Transport Working Group(OTWG) / Transport API (TAPI) Project"; contact " WG Web: TAPI SDK Project http://opensourcesdn.org/projects/project-snowmass/ WG List: TAPI Discussion list <mailto: transport-api@login.opennetworking.org>, WG Chair: Karthik Sethuraman <mailto:karthik.sethuraman@necam.com>, Editor: Ricard Vilalta <mailto:ricard.vilalta@cttc.es>"; description "none"; revision 2017-05-31 { description "TAPI SDK 2.0-alpha"; reference "ONF-TR-527, ONF-TR-512, ONF-TR-531, RFC 6020 and RFC 6087"; augment "/tapi-common:context" { uses connectivity-context; description "Augments the base TAPI Context with ConnectivityService information"; augment "/tapi-common:context/tapi-topology:topology/tapi-topology:node/tapi-topology:owned-node-edge-point" { uses cep-list; ……………………………… TAPI YANG /******************************************************************************************************** * Name: UML to YANG Mapping Tool * Copyright 2015 CAICT (China Academy of Information and Communication Technology (former China Academy of Telecommunication Research)). All Rights Reserved. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). * * This tool is developed according to the mapping rules defined in onf2015.261_Mapping_Gdls_UML-YANG.08 by OpenNetworkFoundation(ONF) IMP group. * file: \model\yang\package.js * The above copyright information should be included in all distribution, reproduction or derivative works of this software. ****************************************************************************************************/ function Package(name, id, path, comment, fileName) { this.name = name; this.id = id; this.path = path; this.description = comment; this.fileName = fileName; this.children = []; this.uses = []; } UML YANG Tool
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