KB 4.05 Apply correct report format. **Title Page** KB 4.05 Reports - Title Page NOTES PPT QUIA 1
DIRECTIONS While reading the following PowerPoint slides on Reports fill in your notes with the words that are in BLUE and underlined. The headings on the slides match the headings on your notes. There are some blank slides you can use to write yourself notes or questions you need to ask the teacher.
Title Page The Title Page is the first page of a report. It is located at the beginning of the report.
Key Pieces of a Title Page The title page contains the following 4 key pieces of information: the title of a report FORMATTING THE TITLE ON THE TITLE PAGE ALIGNMENT FORMATTING Centered ALL CAPS (ALL UPPERCASE) KB 4.05 Reports - Title Page NOTES PPT QUIA
Key Pieces of a Title Page (cont.) the name of the writer the name of the school or class the date FORMATTING THE AUTHOR’S NAME, SCHOOL/CLASS, AND DATE ON THE TITLE PAGE ALIGNMENT FORMATTING Centered Initial Caps KB 4.05 Reports - Title Page NOTES PPT QUIA
Example of a Title Page Title Author’s Name School/Class Date
Title Page Line Spacing Margins are set the same as the margins for the first page of the report UNBOUND Top 2” Left 1” Right 1” Bottom 1” L E F T B O U N D Top 2” Left 1.5” Right 1” Bottom 1” TOP BOUND TOP BOUND Top 2.5” Left 1” Right 1” Bottom 1”
Title Page Line Spacing Press ENTER 12 to 15 times leaving 2” to 2 1/2” inches between the TITLE and the Author’s Name
Title Page Line Spacing DS between the Author’s Name and the School Name or Class
Title Page Line Spacing Press ENTER 12 to 15 times leaving 2” to 2 1/2” inches between the School Name/Class and Current Date.
Title Page for a report on South America written by Judy Jones, a Charity Middle School student on April 1, 2010 KB 4.05 Reports - Title Page NOTES PPT QUIA