Asteroid Research projects in the Age of Wide-field Surveys Brian D. Warner Center for Solar System Studies / MoreData! Inc. NASA 80NSSC18K0851
Coming attractions Taking on the giants What’s needed Yarkovsky and YORP asteroid projects Publish your work
Taking on the giants Discovery is out follow-up is in: Time-sensitive astrometry to avoid losing an asteroid (V > 19) Astrometry and Photometry to help plan radar observations Physical characterization
What’s Needed You can do it! Telescope and ccd (DSLR) camera Familiarity with: Taking images Image reduction (dark/flats) Lightcurve period analysis (Basic) publishing science papers You can do it!
Blame it on YORP and Yarkovsky YORP (Yarkovsky-O’Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack
Yarkovsky at work
Ups and downs of yorp
Asteroid research projects
H-g curves Absolute Magnitude (H) Phase Slope Parameter (G) V mag at 1 AU from Sun/Earth, a = 0° Phase Slope Parameter (G) Defines curve over a range of phase angles Accounts for “Opposition Effect” Rough correlation to taxonomic class
Binary asteroids 2000 DP107 Margot et al., 2002
Binary asteroids Optical Binary Discovery: Show Me the Lightcurve! Best Proof: Mutual Events Stephens and Warner (2016, MPB 43)
Finding the Ds/Dp Ratio: 1727 Mette Binary asteroids Finding the Ds/Dp Ratio: 1727 Mette Use shallowest attenuation Ds/Dp = 𝟏𝟎 𝟎.𝟒∆𝒎 −𝟏.𝟎 Ds/Dp = 𝟏𝟎 𝟎.𝟎𝟏𝟖 −𝟏.𝟎 Ds/Dp = 𝟎.𝟐𝟎±𝟎.𝟎𝟐
Family studies Putting it all together Rotation Statistics Show frequency distribution Signs of YORP Excess of slow rotators Flat distribution Compare stats across families
Family studies Putting it all together Spin Axis Statistics Show distribution Signs of YORP Grouping Favoring poles
Rotational statistics
The Minor Planet bulletin Refereed journal (SAO/NASA ADS) No Page Charges Open to any author Author friendly Vol 46-3: 146 pages, 220+ lightcurves!
Asteroid lightcurve data exchange format Alcdef Asteroid lightcurve data exchange format Raw asteroid time-series data 3.5 million observations 32.5 million coming Standard and simple formats Open to anyone for upload and download
YES! WILL YOUR WORK MAKE A DIFFERENCE? Minor Planet Mailing List (MPML) All the Things (not just asteroids) Citizen Scientists can do