The Golconda Lodge No 3249 EC Secunderabad Masonic Year 2012 - 2013
Officers for the year – 2012-13 W.Bro. Atul Khanna Worshipful Master W. Bro. D.P.Ranade I.P.M & Secretary Bro.Sqn.Ldr.Jagdish Singh Senior Warden Bro. Felix George Junior Warden W. Bro.Anna Gandikota Chaplain W. Bro. L.Shankar Treasurer W. Bro. Maj.R.K.Singh D of C Bro. C J Srikant Senior Deacon Bro. Anil Singh Pande Junior Deacon W. Bro.V.Jawahar Charity Steward W. Bro. Dr.Col.G.B.Sethi Almoner W. Bro.I.S.Sethna Organist W. Bro. S. Rajender Asst. DOC W. Bro.Dilip Vidur Asst. Secretary Bro Hemanth Reddy Inner Guard Bro.Jatindar Singh Tyler
Installation Bro Atul Khanna installed on the Eastern chair of this lodge by W Bro D P Ranade on Friday, February 3rd 2012 at St. John’s Hall . The ceremony was graced by the presence of W Bro V J Bharath then District Grand Past DC as representative of the RW District Grand Master, RW Bro T A Devagnanam.
Membership As on During the year Membership 1.2.2012 Addition Exit 1.2.2013 Non Resident 2 - Resident 21 4 3 22 Honorary 1 Total 24 25
Committees Committee Member Mentor Committee W Bro Dr Col GB Sethi W Bro V Jawahar Charity Committee W Bro M J Parekh Bro Felix George Audit committee W Bro A Gandikota `
Labour 12 Regular meetings 1 Emergency meeting 2 Brethren Initiated, Passed and Raised Golconda Lodge also did passing of 2 candidates and raising of 1 candidate of St John’s Lodge 434 EC
Masonic Education Visit of W Bro T V Srinivasan – Brethren of Lodge had the benefit of listening to the District Grand Orator in the December regular meeting. The topic was spirituality in masonry. Brethren from the St John’s lodge were also invited to this meeting. Visit of W Bro Duleep Sahadevan – Brethren of our Lodge were invited to the regular meeting of St John’s Lodge in month of November where they had opportunity to interact with the District Grand Mentor. He threw light on How to practice Masonry in real life. He also tested the observation power of brethren by organizing a small competitive game.
Masonic Education Masonic Quiz by W Bro L Shankar – A quiz was organized by W Bro Shankar to test the knowledge of brethren. All the present brethren participated and enjoyed the learning it imparted.
Masonic Education Candidates Handout on Freemasonry by W Bro Col Dr G B Sethi – A hand out was compiled by W Bro Col Dr G B Sethi and distributed amongst brethren. The handout was very well compiled and gives fair idea to an aspiring candidate. The handout will serve as a well documented guide for all the Mentors.
Masonic Education Common Code of Conduct of a Mason by W Bro Maj R K Singh – This two and half page handout which gives those tiny bits of information which are worth many Megabytes and a must read for any Mason.
Masonic Education Out of the total 11 meetings held this year (excluding election and installation meetings) in 9 meetings, the ceremony (initiation / passing / raising) was held and in 1 meeting Masonic Education given by W Bro T V Srinivasan
Administration Lodge Held 9 PC meetings during the year. Lodge Held 9 PC meetings during the year. Long overdue subscription from overseas brethren was collected to the tune of Rs.18000/- District Grand Lodge and United Grand Lodge dues were paid along with respective returns.
Administration The newly approved Bye-Laws were printed in regular booklet form and circulated. The Regalia which bore a old look were laundered and now sport a pleasant look. The Centenary Plaque refurbished and re-installed.
Activities Participation at DGL Meet Our Lodge was represented by Participation at DGL Meet Our Lodge was represented by 7 Brethren at the Half Yearly meet at Thanjavur and by, 5 Brethren at Annual Investiture meeting of the District Grand Lodge of Madras.
Activities The lighter moments At the Banquets at Thanjavur
Sight Seeing at Thanjavur
Activities Reciprocal Visits to St John’s Lodge It was a fine display of brotherhood as the brethren contributed in reciprocal participation in lodge workings of each other and attended Installation Meetings
Activities Family Get Together One day picnic of the brethren with their families to Himayat Sagar . Evening get together at RSI Visit to Kasturba Trust with families.
Charity Kasturba Trust nominated as the charity of the year. The charity fund touched a figure of Rupees One Lac. In kind donations were distributed to Kasturba inmates.
Charity A day at Kasturba Trust with inmates
Charity Steel Almirahs and Ceiling Fans were bought and donated to Kasturba Trust
Charity Lodge as usual, contributed Rs.5000/- to the District Grand Charity fund. The brethren of Lodge unanimously decided to contribute RS.5000/- for Bro.Sudershanam on his completing 40 years service to the Masonry.
Finance Lodge finances are comfortable. Sufficient Capital Fund is available under all three heads, i.e. Administration, Fellowship and Charity.
Election Election meeting held on 11th January 2013 Worshipful Master Bro Maj A Rangchand Treasurer W Bro L Shankar Tyler Bro Jatindar Singh
Acknowledgements For Efficient Administration W Bro D P Ranade, Secretary W Bro L Shankar ,Treasurer For Masonic Education W Bro L Shankar, W Bro Col Dr G B Sethi W Bro Maj. R K Singh For Facilitation of Rehearsals W Bro Maj R K Singh
Acknowledgements For Charity Events For Organizing family meets W Bro M J Parekh For Organizing family meets RSI Bro Sqn Ldr Jagdish Singh Himayath Sagar Bro D Sridhar Babu
Conclusion To conclude, the Lodge had a good Masonic year with peace, harmony and fellowship prevailing throughout the year.
Thank you