How to compose a message to a teacher E-Mail Etiquette How to compose a message to a teacher
The Situation It’s Tuesday afternoon, the day before the test or project, and you’re not sure about the material. It’s too late to speak with the teacher. As you sit with phone in hand,, staring at the open email window, you freeze. How do you email the teacher?
The Problem Emailing a teacher might seem daunting, especially if he or she does not know you well. Following a few general principles will help you establish communication with your teachers without worrying that you’ve lost face.
Subject Line Always use a clear subject line. The subject “Test on parts of speech” would work much better than “Hellllp!” Also, never leave the subject line blank.
Be Formal Always use a proper salutation when emailing a teacher. Never begin an email without a salutation. Use “Dear” to begin the email and address him or her by the name you would use if speaking to the teacher in person. Never begin an email in an informal tone; for example: “Hey Mr. Smits.”
Identify Yourself Specify who you are by first and last name, and specify which class you are in before diving into the specifics. Teachers have six classes and serve many students. Remember to always state your full name and the class period.
Be Thorough Any time you send a message, you should have two things in mind: audience and goal. Your audience here is a teacher, an authority figure. Your goal could be any number of things, from clarifying the reading assignment to asking for information about a test. Whatever your goal may be, you’ll want to anticipate any questions the teacher may have and incorporate the information into your message.
Sample Message Dear Mr. Smits, My name is Kelly McCormick from your fifth period class. I was absent today, and would like a copy of the assignment for Thursday. The website only lists a reading assignment, but I am making sure I was not missing an important worksheet. If you would please respond at your earliest convenience, I would appreciate it. Thank you for your help. Sincerely, Kelly McCormick
Phrases that should never be used “Get back to me as soon as possible.” This sentence is too demanding and pushy. It gives a direct command, something you want to avoid because you are speaking with an authority figure. Other phrases to avoid: “Please let me know right away.” “I need a response tonight.”
Teachers are people too Teachers have hobbies, friends, and families. When you email a teacher, remember that you are communicating with a real person. Be kind, thankful, and never come across as demanding. This can be accomplished with the “You Attitude,” a concept that asks you to consider yourself as the reader. What words or sentences would be off-putting?
Do not write in ALL CAPITALIZED LETTERS! This makes you sound like you are shouting. Do not use multiple punctuation marks at the end of a sentence. One is enough??????! Do you see how weird that looks? Follow capitalization rules: Do NOT Write Like This in the EmaiL MeSSage.
Your teacher is not your friend... So don’t write to them like you would a friend This is not twitter, Facebook or texting. Always be polite. Do not email at teacher past six. Most teachers are early to bed, early to rise. If a teacher does not respond to you after six, he or she did not see it or will talk about it in class tomorrow.
Final Step: Proofread The most important and final step is proofreading because it ensures that you come across as professional and caring. An email full of errors and faulty sentences structure is sure to go into the recycle bin. If your writing is unclear, the reader has to take more time to decipher the crazy mess of an email that was sent. Always re-read your emails and check for spelling and grammatical mistakes before sending.
Examples of terrible emails Idk what 2 rite about in my paper can you help? Can u tell me what I got rong on my test????? Wheres the monthly calendar posted at! My mom asked me to ask you what i mist in class to-day. I finna get the assignment in 2 u late.
The Response If a teacher has responded to your request, always send a return email saying “Thank you.” Otherwise you will appear rude. This email can break all the other rules previously mentioned because it is a reply. Do not be upset if a teacher does not respond the same day. Especially if you broke the after 6pm rule.