Intro to Mixed Model VSM eVSM Mix Intro to Mixed Model VSM +1 513.378.9701
Mixed Model Complexity “Many products, operations, stations” “Some products have different routings” “cycle times and other variables can vary by product” “ Some stations are shared by different value streams” asc “ Product mix and demand can change” How do we avoid needing human computers to resolve the complexity ?
Why don’t normal VSM’s work ? Mix Model value streams have Varying demands for each product in the mix Varying product cycle times at some stations Varying routings for product Normal value stream maps don’t work because they can’t handle these product variations
eVSM Mix handles the product variations ! How does eVSM Mix Help ? eVSM Mix allows: Demand input by product Cycle times by product Routings by product eVSM Mix handles the product variations !
What do Practitioners think of MIX? We work with a pretty wide range of clients from a variety of industries. All of them have some level of mixed model production. With the new eVSM Mix software, we can build mixed model maps to capture variations in process flow, cycle time and other critical process parameters for the product family. This allows us to use real demand scenarios to [see or quantify] the impact on the entire value stream in terms of resource capacity, lead time and line balance. The Mix capability is the greatest thing to happen to value stream mapping since the original eVSM software. Brad Campling Managing Partner Stream Improvement Services
How do you use eVSM Mix ? Lets illustrate with a sample value stream
Understand the routings
Draw the Flow and establish routings
Enter Demand & Cycle Time Data
Solve the model and chart Lean KPI’s Resource Balance Chart Utilization Chart Cycle Time/Takt Time Chart Lead Time Chart
Identify and Prioritize Improvements
Develop the Future State Map
eVSM MIX is learnable on-line eLeanor – eVSM’s on-line academy Built for anytime/anywhere usage eVSM Mix comes with eLearning Case study based courses Gamified (with points) Formal certification Lean & VSM theory eVSM Mechanics
Summary & Next Steps eVSM Mix will give you competitive advantage Get more value from your VSM events Create mixed model maps that people can understand Answer the “What-If” questions easily Remove all the manual averaging pre-work Next Steps Contact us ( for demonstration and to get you started Ask us about startup services (we create your first map on-site) Ask us about software pricing and support