MRCP: REFLECTION PROJECT ATTITUDE & PERSEVERANCE A positive attitude dictates your production for the workplace. Positive attitude in the work- place builds strong character, team work, accomplishments and open more great opportunities for advancement. Employers Search for enthusiastic employee’s that represent themselves as well as their company. Having a positive attitude contributes to problem solving skills, dependability, communication and many other work place capabilities. Perseverance is very important when it comes to the workplace, no matter what obstacle is thrown your way. Completing and continuing to hold a professional tolerance level to pressure and to hold a positive demeanor along with a positive can do attitude to difficulties when they arise. Medical reimbursement coding physicians project is to develop a understanding of applying diagnosis code to meet American Hospital Association standard’s rules for each different facility, which it meets the program outcomes. Communication and information literacy, relational learning and thinking abilities are all included in this project. All of the required program outcomes and institutional outcomes are provided in and demonstrated in the different case studies, which we are to abstract and code the listed scenario’s. The medical and reimbursement project it shows the ability to apply knowledge, skills and strategies that have been presented to incorporate an effective way of learning and retaining important information while learning to master skills and techniques for my future usage.