Great feedback is sometimes impossible to evidence.


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Presentation transcript:

Great feedback is sometimes impossible to evidence. Our students deserve good feedback to help them improve. Once feedback is given some of the responsibility is then on them to act on it and improve. We need to be able to identify what students know and what their misconceptions might be to inform where we go next with our teaching. Good quality, valuable and timely feedback is needed for all pupils to make progress

Tests and Assessments are more than just a number or a grade. Why did they not answer that question? Why are they only attaining 3 out of 6 marks in that question? Are they actually learning key facts at home? What can I do to ensure that I give them good quality feedback to improve their understanding? Will I test them again? When? Which answers will I model? Which questions can they re-do themselves? Do I need to give them more scaffolding/structure? These are questions I ask myself every time my pupils complete a test

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They completed a second test on the same content a week later. Then I worked through 5 questions. I provided more structure, links to the questions, corrections and improvements They completed a second test on the same content a week later. 22 pupils improved  5 did not  3 still have to redo test

This week I’d like you to think about.. How do you provide feedback to pupils after a test, written assessment, practical assessment? Does it take a lot of time? How could you reduce this? Do you have a method that works for you? How do you know? How could your feedback be improved?