Welcome to Third Grade Room 113 with Mrs. Vigil
Welcome Please read your student’s letter. At the conclusion, you will be writing a letter back to your student. Consider questions to ask at the end but feel free to share ideas throughout.
Forms to complete Read PSD Code of Conduct Online Sign form to accept terms of the policy If paper form is necessary, ask for a copy at the conclusion. NON Permission Form-At Parent Vue Verification Form/Student Profiles
Message From Mrs. Alfonso Welcome to Bethke Message from the Principals https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsKHyCvd-kw
Mrs. Vigil Born and raised in Fort Collins Parents were teachers in the district Undergraduate degree from University of Northern Colorado Graduate degree from Colorado Christian University This is my 17th year teaching. I taught 11 years in Jeffco before I came to Bethke. I have 3 step children. Noah 16, Mikaela 12, and Shiloh 8. Last January I had a baby girl named Tinsley Grace. She is almost 8 months old!
Bethke Elementary- Honoring All Learners I’ve waited my entire teaching career to arrive at the beautiful school of Bethke because it is a magnificent place to work. All students are important to me. I’ve learned to love them in a week. Each morning, you trust me with your most precious goods, and I care for them every moment they are here. Each student is unique. I cherish their interests, and my goal is challenge each one.
Student Handbook Scavenger Hunt Attendance Line 24/7-488.4301 jbrase@psdschools.org School Calendar Birthday policy Bus Passes Homework policy-48-hour notice
Scavenger Hunt Continued Drop Off Lane-only students exit vehicle Park if you’d like to escort Park in front ONLY 8 busses at Bethke Personal Property
Before and After School Please visit the playground from 8:15-8:30am Breakfast Tardy passes begin at 8:35 KBOB starts at 8:38 am Walk bikes on campus Front doors are open for families. Others are locked to guests (for safety).
Lunchroom-Begins at 12:20 Blue Stamp means only 1 more lunch available. Microwaves are for grades 4 and 5. Please limit lunch visits because the lunchroom is full. Hallways will not be available for eating lunch.
Multi-Tiered Student Services MTSS Honoring All Learners Team approach Colorado Law Framework Social and Academic Success If more intensive intervention is needed, you will be notified
Volunteering in the Classroom Thanks for sharing your interests with me Many opportunities in the classroom Register with the district before participating Monthly calendar will go out for sign up Expect the first calendar at the end of September or beginning of October
Folders-Third Grade information Cursive Handwriting Classroom management Boblight with Responsibility RAM log and Snack Expectations Curriculum Planner-initials each night Responsibility Recess envision Family Letter and log in
Third Grade at Bethke Core festivals- Colonial and Roman-Thanks PTO Projects-1/semester Biography and Animal Field Trips In-class guests ARDEC Little Shop of Physics Friday Folders Big Buddy Laptops-earbuds/headphones
3rd Grade Curriculum: Spelling: Words their Way Math: Envision Reading: Treasures
Communication Phone 488.4322 Email- response within 24 hours evigil@psdschools.org Website on Bethke Website Conferences in October-PSD now has trimesters. First report card available in Nov.
Much More at Bethke Specialist Teachers Mrs. Richardson-Art Mrs. Keyworth-PE Mrs. Adams-Music Mrs. Newman-Media
THANK YOU Please complete the note to your student to let them know how it went and to say hello.