Homework Homework at Samuel Whitbread Academy Homework Expectations Dealing with Homework Problems
Homework at Samuel Whitbread Academy Homework is an integral part of the learning experience in each subject Homework is set alongside Schemes of Learning Research for future lessons Consolidation of learning (summative or formative assessment) Internet based or written assignments Homework is set in accordance with subject’s assessment calendars We do not issue a homework timetable
Homework Expectations Homework is set on SMHW Students are responsible for checking and completing homework and handing it in on time Each subject sets a specific number of pieces of homework E.g. Maths 2 pieces every 2 week cycle Science Approx. 2 pieces every 2 week cycle Music 1 piece every half term Drama 1 piece every half term ICT & Computer Science 1 piece every half term MFL 2 pieces every cycle Core RS No formal homework is set
Dealing with Homework Problems Contact subject teacher for specific issues with homework. Too much/too little contact tutor and me dhall@bestacademies.org.uk Technical issues Reception for login issues SMHW for connection issues Me for other issues