Identification of molecular subtypes of leiomyosarcoma (LMS) in the TCGA data. Identification of molecular subtypes of leiomyosarcoma (LMS) in the TCGA data. A, empirical cumulative distribution plots as a function of the number of molecular subtypes in TCGA cohort. B, consensus clustering matrix of leiomyosarcoma samples using 3 molecular subtypes. C, subclass association (SA) matrix between 3SEQ data (subtype I, subtype II, subtype III) and TCGA data (subtype C1, subtype C2, subtype C3). P value is corrected with FDR. D, principal component analysis (PCA) of 70 core 3SEQ leiomyosarcoma cases with other diagnoses. Subtype I leiomyosarcoma, black circle; subtype II leiomyosarcoma, red triangle; subtype III leiomyosarcoma, green triangle; leiomyoma, cyan solid circle; myometrium, orange solid circle; undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcomas, blue solid pyramid. The elliptical contours represent the normal probability of 0.75. Xiangqian Guo et al. Clin Cancer Res 2015;21:3501-3511 ©2015 by American Association for Cancer Research