INVESTIGATION: Steps for Making Glue PROBLEM: What skills will I use to figure out the steps to make glue and to make it? HYPOTHESIS: [Make your own.] MATERIALS: 1 set of instruction cards, 2 beakers, 1 plastic cup, 1 stirring rod, 1 scoopula, 1 funnel, 1 piece of filter paper, 1 watch glass with baking soda on it, 2 graduated cylinders, 40 ml of skim milk, 10 ml of vinegar, 2 small pieces of scratch paper
INVESTIGATION: Steps for Making Glue (continued) PROCEDURE: [Number from 1 – 8 skipping lines. Work together to put the cards (steps) in order. Once you have the steps in the correct order (you tested it out and it worked), write them down.] DATA / OBSERVATIONS: [Make a list of important things that you observed and/or that will help you determine the correct order.]
INVESTIGATION: Steps for Making Glue (continued) DATA ANALYSIS: [Answer these questions: Were there any patterns (repeated occurrences)? Try to put your observations into groups of similar types of observations. What kind of observations helped you decide on the order of the steps? ] CONCLUSION: [Was your hypothesis correct or not? How did you know if it was correct? What could you do differently? Summarize what you learned. ]