Today your objective is… Properties of Life Today your objective is… To list and explain characteristics of living things.
What is Biology? Bio- = Life -ology = Study of
Levels of Living Organization smallest unit of living things one individual living thing (Can occur at any level of complexity) group of similar cells organized to work together group of different kinds of tissues working together group of organs working together organism organ system organ tissue cell
1. Living things have highly ORGANIZED and COMPLEX STRUCTURES Properties of Life 1. Living things have highly ORGANIZED and COMPLEX STRUCTURES DNA proteins carbohydrates
Living creatures are ORGANIZED If Everything is made from the same collection of chemicals ( atoms), what makes living things different from nonliving things? Living things contain mostly organic compounds (at least 2 atoms of C) plant cell animal cell Non-living things contain mostly inorganic compounds (no C or only 1 C atom) Atoms and Chemicals
Properties of Life 2. Living things RESPOND Respond to internal changes Homeostasis maintaining balanced conditions inside the body Respond to external changes
3. Living creatures use ENERGY Properties of Life 3. Living creatures use ENERGY Metabolism all the reactions your body performs to make & use energy Eating & digestion, and elimination of wastes Synthesis (building) chemicals and structures Cellular respiration = makes energy available to cells Photosynthesis = stores energy in sugars being produced mitochondria
4. Living creatures GROW & DEVELOP Properties of Life 4. Living creatures GROW & DEVELOP Change over an individual’s life time get bigger mature so they can reproduce
5. Living creatures REPRODUCE Properties of Life 5. Living creatures REPRODUCE Make new offspring Sexual reproduction produces a new unique individual with characteristics from both parents. Asexual reproduction produces a copy of the signle parent.
6. Living creatures Evolve Properties of Life 6. Living creatures Evolve Populations adapt to environments by adaptations being passed down through generations over time. All organisms are well adapted to their environments. (Individual organisms DO NOT evolve.)
Property of Living Things Details Complex organized structure Respond to Stimuli Uses Energy (Metabolism) Growth and Development Regulation/Homeostasis Heredity/Evolution Reproduction Both molecular and cellular organization. Living things must be able to organize simple substances into complex ones. Living things organize cells at levels: Tissue, Organs, & organ systems. To maintain homeostasis living things must respond to their external environment: sweating, shivering, fight or flight All living things use energy…sum of total chemical reactions to provide organism with energy All living organisms grow, some slowly, some quickly; they also mature in preparation for reproduction. Make changes internally. Occurs when living things maintain a stable internal environment even though there are changes in the external environment Ability of an organism to pass on info about itself to its offspring concerning chemical/physical makeup; this allows populations to adapt to environments over time. Producing offspring through either sexual or asexual reproduction. Necessary for the continuation of life.