How can DTM Multi-Sectoral Location Assessment be useful for


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Presentation transcript:

How can DTM Multi-Sectoral Location Assessment be useful for What is DTM? How can DTM Multi-Sectoral Location Assessment be useful for Partners? Briefing for Partners. Partners include Clusters, Authorities, WGs, Sectors, Donors, IOM Programmes and other organizations

Objective of this Session At the end of this session you will be able to: List the 4 DTM components List Strengths and Limitations of DTM Multi Sectoral Location Assessment List uses of DTM Data by partners Know where to find DTM Data and further information on DTM online

DTM OPERATIONS OVERVIEW Since its inception in Iraq in 2004, DTM has expanded its coverage to reach 80 countries. Past and present implementation contexts include conflicts, natural disasters and complex emergency settings, from small-scale & short-term to large-scale and protracted displacement & migration crises.

DTM Components Tracks movement of flows at specific points MOBILITY TRACKING FLOW MONITORING Tracks movement of flows at specific points Tracks mobility and cross-sectoral needs in locations of interest (systematically) Groups and Location Sub-components: Baseline Area/ Sub Area Multi Sectoral Location Assessment (Stock population) Emergency Event Tracking (Sudden large movement of population) Sub-components: High mobility location assessment Flow Monitoring Registry REGISTRATION SURVEYs Gather specific information using sample from population of interest Registers individuals or households for beneficiary selection, vulnerability targeting and programming Households and Individuals Examples: Return Intention Community Perception Displacement Solutions Flow Monitoring Surveys Sub-components: Rapid Emergency Registrations Biometric Registration

Not all DTM components are always rolled out in every country: DTM is implemented according to need, so different components may be rolled out in different countries.

We look at Location Assessment When Initial displacement Protracted displacement Regular monitoring How? Key informants Interviews (Not sectoral experts) Enumerators observation (Not sectoral experts) Where? Locations: IDP Camps/Sites/Villages/Neighbourhood MOBILITY TRACKING Groups and Location Sub-components: Baseline Area Assessment Baseline Sub Area Assessment Multi Sectoral Location Assessment (Stock) Emergency Event Tracking (Sudden large movement of population)

How is DTM Multi-Sectoral Location Assessment implemented? DTM Location Assessment: It is implemented at regular intervals & can monitor changes over time It collect inter-sectoral data (population, locations…), in addition to some sectors-specific data Is carried out mostly through Key Informants Interviews and Observation Does not interview samples of individual or HH Is carried out at community level (not at facility level) Does not interview sectoral specialists Enumerators are not sectoral specialists Information is triangulated with more key informants per location

Obstacles to meeting basic needs & DTM Location Assessment DTM Location Assessment focuses on access, availability and quality Types of Obstacles to meeting basic needs Availability Production Trade Stock Transfer Access Physical Financial Security Social discrimination Quality Human resources Safety Reliability Diversity Dignity Use Knowledge Attitude Practice Awareness Message Channel Frequency Obstacles to meeting basic needs are normally related to quality, availability awareness, use of or access to goods or services. Issues related to awareness and use generally require household-based assessment approaches DTM Location Assessment uses primarily Key Informants Interviews: therefore it mostly focus on issues related to access, availability and quality of goods and services. Visual is adapted from: Basic Needs Assessment Guidance and Toolbox, available at: Source: The visual and the definitions are adapted from Okular Analytics, Guidance and Toolbox for the Basic Needs Analysis, 2017

Strengths and Limitations of DTM Location Assessment Has often a very large territorial reach within the country Is implemented in a large number of crisis (very likely you will find a DTM exercise in your country of operation) It is flexible, and can be adjusted according to the needs of humanitarian actors: it provides useful data for response Data are shared quickly. Most data are shared publically, some through Data Agreements. Data for urgent action can be shared in real time. Global experts, including Global Cluster and DTM have agreed on a list of recommended questions for Location Assessments Limitations Cannot ask questions that require a specific sectoral knowledge Cannot provide statistically representative information Cannot replace sectoral, in- depth assessments /monitoring tools Is not programme monitoring

How do Partners use DTM Multi-Sectoral Location Assessment Data? Use DTM estimates of population and groups at location and national level for planning and advocacy Use DTM geo coordinates of locations hosting IDPs for operational decision-making Use results to monitor change over time by location, region and at national level for planning and operational response Use DTM data to monitor access to services in locations on an ongoing basis Use DTM data to monitor risks in locations on an ongoing basis Use DTM data to spot sectoral red flags/alerts, and follow up Use DTM data to prioritize locations for their in-depth assessments

Do you want to know more on DTM? DTM Frequently Asked Questions 2-pager answers the main questions about DTM. You can downloaded it from DTM&Partners Toolkit Methodological Framework used in Displacement Tracking Matrix Operations for Quantifying Displacement and Mobility describes DTM components in details. You can downloaded it from DTM&Partners Toolkit

Where can you find DTM reports and data? DTM public data and reports are online and available at:, and (through a search by Country). For questions and support, contact the DTM coordinator in your country (ask for his/her contact details).

Recap Exercise Can you… Say where to find DTM Data & Reports online? Say where to find more info on DTM online? List 3 ways Partners use DTM Data? List 3 Strengths of DTM Location Assessment List 3 Limitations of DTM Location Assessment List the 4 DTM components

How can DTM and Partners better engage & obtain useful data for response? We identified common reasons for partial use of DTM data We jointly worked on solutions that both DTM and Partners can implement Next segment will introduce solutions to these challenges and explain how DTM and Partners can better work together DTM & Partners Toolkit:

Thank you!