Short term safety planning for asylum seeking children an example by, Elinoar Lindroth 2019-10-09
The social workers emergency- on call service At arrival; Minor investigation Social services act – SoL 14 kap 1 § SoL – report 11 kap 1,2 §§ SoL – social assessment (4 months) LVU - Care of Young Persons Act –(1 week/ 1 month/ 6 months) Information Difference between Swedish Migration Board / Social welfare office Investigating urgent needs and making decisions concerning suitable accommodation 2019-10-09
Suitable accommodation The social services according to the social services act - SoL. will decide and agree where the child shall live. according to the law the families must be investigated knowledge of abuse and trafficking 2019-10-09
Begging According to the social services act - SoL. No crime Neglect Knowledge of abuse and trafficking Saftey protection 2019-10-09
Begging According to the social services act - SoL. Social worker/ suggestion to decision LVU (LVM) Municipality Chairman of Social Welfare Board Administrative court decision 2019-10-09
Thank you for your attention Thank you for your attention! Elinoar Lindroth Social Welfare Services officer / inspector 2019-10-09