This is George. George is a monkey. George is good. Sentence Combining This is George. George is a monkey. George is good.
Why combine sentences? To add “flow” to your writing. Having a series of short, choppy sentences in a row makes your writing seem simplistic and can be distracting for the reader.
Step #1 Go through each sentence to be combined and underline the NEW info being presented. Ex. The car is new. The car is blue.
Step #2 Once you have the new info underlined, take that info only and put it into one sentence. The car is new. The car is blue. “The blue car is new.”
Practice time! Copy the following sentences in your notes and then underline the “new” info in each sentence. Flowers are growing. The flowers are large. The flowers are yellow. They are growing quickly.
Combining tip= Use conjunctions Attaching phrases and clauses to each other with just a comma leads to RUN ON sentences/comma splices. Ex. The man ate cereal, he ate waffles too. Be sure to use conjunctions (FANBOYS) to avoid this error. Ex.#1 The man ate cereal, but he ate waffles too. Ex.#2 The man ate cereal and waffles.
Combine the following: Reynolds was busy. The students were busy. There was a car wash. There was a recycle depot. The car wash and recycle depot were to raise money. The money was being raised for Cops for Cancer.
Look at the Semi-colon slideshow!