11/2/15 - Grammar A pronoun is a word that replaces a noun. You are probably familiar with personal pronouns: I, he, she, we, me, you, him, it, us, they, them. Jenny has a red shirt / She has a red shirt. “She” is replacing “Jenny.” Therefore, “she” is a personal pronoun. Possessive pronouns show ownership: mine, yours, his, hers, their(s), ours, its. The kids should stop raising their voices. Write the definition of pronoun and possessive pronoun, then write a sentence that correctly uses a possessive pronoun.
Possessive Pronoun Misuse The most common misuse of possessive pronouns is when the singular and plural forms are both used within the same sentence. Most often, the possessive pronoun “their” is used incorrectly. Everyone should make their bed. The subject, “everyone,” is singular, but the possessive pronoun, “their,” is plural. Any good parent knows that their child is the most important thing in the world. In your journal, write the above sentence, then re-write it in a correct manner.
Norton vs. Space-takers After we read each article aloud together, circle any statements that you agree with and underline any statements that you disagree with. Overall, which author has the most convincing argument? What makes the argument convincing? What causes the argument to lack credibility? Be ready to defend your stance.
Norton vs. Space-takers The class will be divided into two groups: those who support Joseph Norton and those who support Jenny While. Using the arguments and flaws that you have identified, be ready to defend your side. Do space-takers exist? If so, whose at fault for their mindset? Are students asked to perform unreasonable or unnecessary tasks as Norton suggests? What is the definition of busy work? Can useful work become busy work in the mind of students? If so, how?
11/3/15 – Quick Write What role do your parents play in your education? Are they too involved? Not involved enough? Overall, do they help or hinder you when it comes to your education?
TeacherCenter What are the points that Key and Peele are trying to make in the “TeachingCenter” skit? What irony (a technique of indicating an intention or attitude opposite to that which is actually stated) do you see within the piece? Do you agree or disagree with the ideas presented in this piece?
“Obama’s Homework Assignment” What flaws in our culture does Freidman identify that he believes affects the state of our schools in a negative manner? From your perspective, are the complaints made by the teachers in the article valid? Would more parent involvement improve the overall state of American education?
Final Thesis You now have all the information you need to decide who is most to blame for the flaws in the American education system: teachers, students, government/administrators, or parents. By the end of the class period, you MUST have a thesis that is clear, specific, and arguable. When you have your thesis written, raise your hand so I can check it.