Early Vocabulary Literacy Sub Group FV&WL RIC 29th May Early Vocabulary Literacy Sub Group
FV&WL RIC Literacy Workstream Overall Aim of Literacy Workstream: Develop collaborative learning approaches which build staff capacity to deliver high quality literacy learning experiences for all. There are three working groups within the literacy workstream. The Early Vocab sub group is one of the groups.
Early Vocabulary Group Aims to: Support practitioners as they build and share skills in pedagogies in vocabulary development through the creation of a framework of successful interventions. Exemplify good practice in vocabulary and early language development via “vox pop” and soundbite capture. Share effective practice gathered from the Children and Young People Improvement Collaborative (CYPIC) Language Meets Literacy Practicum. Increase collaboration and networking opportunities across the Regional Improvement Collaborative through visits to see interventions in action. Develop partnerships with Scottish Book Trust to include vocabulary development activities in the Book Bug Bags.
ELC National Guidance “We skilfully apply strategies to support children to build vocabulary that helps them best to explain their thinking and understanding”. “Language, learning and living go hand in hand.” “Experiences and opportunities.. . Support children to develop early literacy”. “Adults who: offer different ways and words to children to extend their vocabulary”.
Framework A harvesting of ideas in early vocabulary and language development across the RIC and is for HTs and staff within the RIC especially in relation to forming School Improvement Plans.
Framework Five sections: Readiness Tracking Interventions Practical training materials Case studies It is ongoing – Please send in more items for inclusion in the framework
Bringing the Framework to life Forth Valley NHS – Claire MacLean- LIFT approach (positive adult -child interaction strategies) and how it supports vocabulary development. Denny Nursery Falkirk – Julie Milne – Practitioner Training in Early Literacy West Lothian – Claire Kane - WL ELC tracker
Assessing and Tracking Progress in WL ELC Rationale Key Aspects of Learning grids (matched to Es&Os) were developed to illustrate developmental progression in 1-5 year olds. The tracker takes the most significant of 10 key aspects from HWB, Literacy and Numeracy & Maths reflecting cognitive abilities that are predictors for effective learning and future success. Moderation Guidance Analysis of Data The information gathered will identify individual next steps in learning and allow for planned interventions to be put in place that will impact at an individual level. Gaps in planned learning experiences are also easily identified.
Workshop 1 Workshop 2 Workshop 3 Workshop 4 Denny ELCC Supporting the Foundations of Literacy through Play Professional learning workshops Workshop 1 Exploring Play, the adults role and introduction to literacy development Workshop 2 Supporting Phonological Awareness Workshop 3 Supporting Oral Language Developing Concepts of Print and Fine Motor Skills Workshop 4
Denny ELCC Supporting the Foundations of Literacy through Play Impact on Practice “I have gained a deeper understanding of the skills children require to develop the cognitive and physical elements necessary for them to become literate.” “I have become more skilled at recognising where the child is within their emerging literacy skills.” “I have seen benefit and the positive impact of enabling children to self-regulate through co-regulation”
Denny ELCC and Educational Psychology Partnership Supporting the Foundations of Literacy through Play Scale and Spread Pilot Project Denny ELCC EPS working in partnership with practitioners to deliver training designed to meet needs identified by practitioners in setting Denny ELCC specific Practice Guidelines co-constructed with practitioners. Sharing of Good Practice Open doors events Parents’ open evenings Early Leadership Forum RIC Positive impact on practitioner confidence and skill development. Practice Guidelines continually updated. Impact measures for learners designed and piloted. Scaling up and Spreading EPS and Denny ELCC working in collaboration with Early Years’ Team to add to series of workshops to include workshops on Assessment Parental Engagement ASN Further collaboration with partner agencies in workshop design. Consultation with EPS on project roll out. Replicating model to co-construct context specific practice guidelines across other ELCC settings
Early Vocabulary Development What’s working? Rich experiences Positive adult child interactions Family engagement Assessment leading to intervention Collaboration with partners in development work Co-construction of context specific practice guidelines
Feedback and Next Steps Planning the way forward. Consider something you wish to: Start Stop Continue Use post its and flipchart to record
Any questions?