Close Reading Evaluation Questions
What are Evaluation Questions? The ‘E’ code just asks you to give your opinion on how successful a writer/idea/technique is These usually appear near the end of the paper and can be worth quite a few marks. Make sure you leave time to answer these as they can be quite straightforward.
Tips Always answer positively – it is much easier to justify Note the number of marks available and tailor your answer to suit. Be sure to follow the instructions: e.g. choose three features. Use quotations or examples to illustrate your answers.
Tips Pick out and name techniques of style Useful ones may be hyperbole; imagery ; a particular tone; conversational language; contrast and so on. The pieces chosen for Int. 2 are often very light-hearted, and so a reference to humour and how it is achieved will often be relevant.
Tips Evaluation questions will ask you to show that a writer has achieved a purpose; The questions will use words like ‘entertaining’, ‘enjoyable’, ‘convincing’ and ‘appropriate’.
Expressing Judgement Use words like: persuasive effective shocking entertaining enjoyable disturbing engaging effective exciting interesting amusing humorous convincing
Effectiveness of a Conclusion Usually there is a question at the end that asks you how effectively the last paragraph rounds off or concludes the passage. You must consider aspects of the conclusion that are effective in summing up the passage Consider the passage as a whole and try to refer back to ideas or style used earlier that are reflected in the conclusion
Consider: The IDEAS: Pick out references to stages of the argument from the rest of the text. Does the passage end with the argument having been resolved, or is the outcome unexpected? Is there some sort of twist or something unexpected? The TONE: Note if the tone remains the same. Does it become serious after a light-hearted discussion, or does it end on a light-hearted note?
Consider The STYLE: Note whether the style remains the same or changes from the rest of the passage. Often a conclusion will return to the wording of the opening paragraph or title. An image used at the start may be used again in a slightly different form. Word choice and sentence structure could be discussed under this heading, but they must be related to the rest of the passage. The PUNCH-LINE: Is there some sort of joke which gives the conclusion particular impact? Some writers may use a quotation or even introduce a new idea which leaves food for thought.