Removing DNA from strawberries DNA Extraction Lab Removing DNA from strawberries
Materials Plastic cup Extraction liquid Coffee filter Isopropyl alcohol Coffee stirrer Strawberry Sandwich bag
Seal the strawberry inside the baggie. Get the air out as you seal it.
Squish the strawberry with your fingers (DO NOT POUND ON IT) ……… until it looks like mush. (about 2 to 3 minutes)
Pour 2 teaspoons of extraction liquid (buffer) into the bag Pour 2 teaspoons of extraction liquid (buffer) into the bag. Seal the bag and continue squeezing it for one more minute.
Place the coffee filter into the plastic cup Place the coffee filter into the plastic cup. Fold it over the edge of the cup. Pour the strawberry mixture through the filter. Twist the top of the filter and gently squeeze the juice out of it (careful not to tear it).
Strawberry juice alcohol VERY CAREFULLY tip the plastic cup of strawberry extract and SLOWLY pour in the same amount of alcohol as you have strawberry extract. DO NOT SHAKE, SWIRL, OR STIR the mixture in the plastic cup. Let it sit quietly for a minute or two.
DNA strands Look through the side of the cup near the bottom. Note the clear layer of liquid rising above the red strawberry “juice”. The thicker “pulp” of the strawberry is settling to the bottom, while the fluid (cytoplasm?) floats on top, with the DNA in it.
Gently swirl the coffee stir stick in the clear liquid to collect the white thready material. This is the DNA that has been squeezed out of the plant cells. You can carefully collect the DNA on the end of the stir stick. Notice how it is like fine threads.
There you have it. We’ve talked a lot about DNA, and now you have pulled some out of cells and seen it for yourselves.