2-4 大氣輻射 For F’s (p.100 of Martins, 2 away attentuated solar irradience with ozone correction Fig 2.10
2.4-1 太陽短波輻射(可見光) For F’s (p.100 of Martins, 2 away attentuated solar irradience with ozone correction Fig 2.11: Solar irradiance curve for a 50 cm-1 spectral interval at the top of the atmosphere (see Fig.2.9) and at the surface for a solar zenith angle of 60o in an atmosphere without aerosols or clouds. Absorption and scattering regions are indicated. See also Table 3.3 for the absorption of N2O, CH4, CO, and NO2. [Liou02, Figure3.9]