Building A Healthy Leadership Culture Lance Witt
A leader’s greatest tool for building a healthy team is their own healthy soul.
When we neglect our souls, those who get hurt the worst are those who know us the best.
Get spiritual health on your leadership radar.
Great Completion
Great Completion Great Commission
Great Completion Great Commission Healthy Churches
Great Completion Great Commission Healthy Churches Healthy Leaders
Spiritually Healthy People Great Completion Great Commission Healthy Churches Healthy Leaders Spiritually Healthy People
You will never drift into a healthy leadership culture.
2. Show personal care personally.
My team must know that my first concern for them is personal not professional.
What matters most is not what we want from them, but what we want for them.
3. Infuse community into your meetings.
Make space for people to share their story.
4. Learn the skill of developing people.
Players make plays, coaches make
More time spent with fewer people = greater impact.
5. Utilize effective tools and questions.
4 Helpful Lists What’s Right? What’s Broken/Stuck? What’s Missing? What’s Confused?
The only thing better than a good question, is a good follow up question.
Practice the presence of people.
Listen with curiosity
Slow down. You can’t pay attention in a hurry.
Don’t be distracted by technology.
Establish a team rule of life.
A catalyst for dysfunction is colliding expectations.
Someone must speak the unspoken rules.
After all, what gives us hope and joy, and what is our proud reward and crown? It is you! …
… Yes, you will bring us much joy as we stand together before our Lord Jesus when he comes back again. For you are our pride and joy. 1 Thessalonians 2:19-20 (NLT)