(Impacts, adaptation and vulnerability) INTERGUBERNAMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE WMO UNEP The Working Group II (Impacts, adaptation and vulnerability) Contribution to the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report Vicente Barros Antalya February 15, 2010
CONTEXT Worldwide demand for action to cope with Climate Change Requirement of tools and answers to support decision making More regional emphasis required
WGII Fifth Assessment Report INTERGUBERNAMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE WMO UNEP WGII Fifth Assessment Report The main new feature: Framing the assessment of impacts in the context of information to support good decisions, with an emphasis on assessing and managing risk Understanding, predicting and providing the necessary information for climate adaptation, mitigation and risk management
Key Inputs from the WGI assessment Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional Near-term Climate Change: Projections and Predictability Climate Phenomena and their Relevance for Future Regional Climate Change Regional Climate Projections
WGII Fifth Assessment Report All sectoral and regional chapters will include: elements related to observed changes with detection and attribution Observed and projected impacts with regional variation by scenario and time slice as well as the economic, social and ecological context for the impacts. It also includes an assessment of vulnerabilities, adaptive capacity, options for evaluating and managing risks, research and data gaps
Natural and Managed Resources and Systems, and Their Uses WGII Fifth Assessment Report Natural and Managed Resources and Systems, and Their Uses 3. Freshwater resources 4. Terrestrial and inland water systems 5. Coastal systems and low-lying areas 6. Ocean systems 7. Food production systems and food security .
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