Centralia Elementary SCHOOL DISTRICT 2017-18 UNAUDITED ACTUALS September 12, 2018
Revenue: What Changed Since Estimated Actuals? LCFF Revenue Slight decrease in LCFF Gap from 44.97% to 42.97% and year end attendance true up Federal Revenue Increase in Medi-Cal billing revenue State Revenue : Per ADA lottery rate increased by State Local Revenue: Year end true up of 17-18 revenue for DHH & Autism billings
Unaudited Actuals - Revenue Revenues 2017-18 EA 2017-18 UA $ Change Change as a % of Total Revenue Local Control Funding Formula Sources $37,784,814 $37,746,618 $(38,196) (0.08%) Federal Sources $2,763,399 $2,802,629 $39,230 0.08% Other State Revenue $6,216,929 $6,295,159 $78,230 0.16% Other Local Revenue $1,868,530 $2,555,769 $687,239 1.41% Total Revenues $48,633,672 $49,400,175 $766,503 1.58 %
Unaudited Actuals – Revenue Adjusted Revenue 2017-18 EA 2017-18 UA $ Change Change as a % of Total Revenue Total Revenues $48,633,672 $49,400,175 $766,503 1.58%
Unaudited Actuals - Revenue
Expenses: What Changed Since Estimated Actuals? Salary and Benefits Slight increase primarily due to negotiated agreement with CSEA bargaining unit Books and Supplies: Some Title programs had funds rolled over to 2018/19 Outdoor Ed and site donations rolled over to 2018/19 Services/Other Expenses: Increased expense for interpreters Accounting change for 3% RRM E-rate projects
Unaudited Actuals - Expenditures 2017-18 EA 2017-18 UA $ Change Change as a % of Total Expenditures Certificated Salaries $22,308,551 $22,352,762 $44,211 0.20% Classified Salaries $8,044,164 $8,173,931 $ 129,767 0.58 Employee Benefits $10,336,122 $10,340,063 $3,941 0.02% Books & Supplies $1,850,931 $1,606,886 $ (244,045) (1.09%) Services/Other Oper Expenditures $4,451,896 $4,876,383 $ 424,487 1.90% Capital Outlay $391,173 $392,448 $ 1,275 0.01% Other Outgo (exclude indirect Cost Transfers) $1,308,633 $1,340,755 $32,122 0.14% Other Outgo - Indirect Costs Transfers ($197,050) ($190,738) $ 6,312 0.03% Total Expenditures $48,494,420 $48,892,490 $398,070 1.78%
Unaudited Actuals - Expenditures Adjusted Expenditures 2017-18 EA 2017-18 UA $ Change Change as a % of Total Expenditures Total Expenditures $48,494,420 $48,892,490 $398,070 1.78%
Unaudited Actuals – Expenditures
Deficit Spending Budget Surplus Net Increase/(Decrease) in Fund Balance 2011-12 ($1,962,621) (Deficit) 2012-13 ($ 795,795) 2013-14 ($ 574,046) 2014-15 ($1,343,201) 2015-16 $682,092 Surplus 2016-17 $1,942,678 2017-18 $251,240 2018-19 $187,094 Projected
Change as a % of Ending Balance General Fund Balance General Fund 2017-18 EA 2017-18 UA $ Change Change as a % of Ending Balance Beginning Fund Balance $10,051,694 0.0% Excess (Deficiency) Rev - Exp $139,252 $251,240 $ 111,988 1.10% Other Restatements $0 0.00% Ending Fund Balance $10,190,946 $10,302,934 1.10%%