The Doctrine of Inspiration - Part 1 2 The Doctrine of Inspiration - Part 1
There is no doctrine of the existence of God in the Bible because the Scriptures assume this as a fact. “In the beginning God…” (Genesis 1:1)
History of Writing Inscriptions in Egypt - 3000+ BC King Sagon - 2350 BC Letters from “Palestine” - 1500 BC
Writing Materials Stone - (1500 BC) Clay - Babylon ( 600 BC) Wood - Isaiah 30:8 (700 BC) Leather - Parchments (II Tim. 4:13) Papyrus - N.T. Documents
Writing Materials Papyrus Codex - 1-2 Century AD Vellum Codex - 4-14th Century AD Printing Press - 1448 (Gutenberg) Electronic Communications - 20th Century
Bible = “Biblia”= Books Origin of the Bible Bible = “Biblia”= Books
Old Testament Origin Moses: Exodus. 24:1-4 (1450 BC) Joshua: Joshua 24:26 Prophets: Nehemiah 8:18
Old Testament Origin 39 Books 28 Writers 1500 Years Completed by 400 BC
O.T. Organization - Jewish Division The Law - Pentateuch The Prophets 1. Former 2. Latter The Holy Writings, Poetry / History
O.T. Organization - Jewish Division Pentateuch Gen - Deut = 5 Books Prophets Former = 4 Books Latter = 4 Books Writings- Poetry/History = 11 Books 24 Books
Christian Division Pentateuch Gen. - Deut. = 5 Books History Josh. - Ester = 12 Books Poetry Job - Song of Sol. = 5 Books Maj. Prophets Isa. - Dan. = 5 Books Min. Prophets Hos. - Mal. = 12 Books 39 Books
Jewish Holy/Reference Literature Talmud: Jewish writing interpreting scripture Contained Midrash & Mishna Apocryphal: Hidden Writings Josephus: Jewish historian.