Alliance strategic planning meeting: Country Report Report by Lesotho Team Ms. Mohau Maapesa Ms Kellello Rakolobe Mrs Manteboheleng Mabetha
Introduction Rationale Menstrual Health Safe Abortion Child Marriages Presentation layout Introduction Rationale Menstrual Health Safe Abortion Child Marriages
INTRODUCTION Lesotho selected 3 campaigns namely Menstrual Health Safe abortion, and Child Marriages
RATIONAL FOR CAMPAIGNS Menstrual Health Safe abortion Child Marriages No Access to sanitary pads because they are costly Abortion is illegal and criminalised Conflict in legislation regarding age of marriage. Conflict between customary and civil law where marriage can be at puberty with customary law and 16 for girls in civil marriage and 18 for boys. Number of girls who miss school as a result of not being able to access the sanitary pads. Increased case of unsafe abortion taking place in the country which in turn puts pressure on the health system to provide post abortion care High rate of early marriages due to high rates of teenage pregnancy. There is a stigma on girls menstruating without sanitary pads from her peers and lack of understanding of the situation High maternal mortality rate Most young girls get married to old men because of poor economic statuses of their families.
Menstrual Health Objectives: Advocate for free access to sanitary pads. Clear understanding of what is entailed in the process of menstruating Embrace hygienic approach Advocate for Healthy disposal of pads to safe the environment Enrich girls knowledge so that they celebrate menstruation
Menstrual Health Achievements: Queen Masenate has Hlokomela Banana initiative ( adopt a girl child) whose tasks include collecting and distributing sanitary towels among vulnerable and needy girls. Scrapping of tax on sanitary towels by government. Some high schools are offering free sanitary towels to girls. Local initiatives to collect and distribute sanitary towels for girls by; Some supermarkets Men groups
Safe abortion Objectives: To reduce maternal mortality rate Advocate for legalising and decriminalising abortion To reduce female school dropouts as a result of pregnancy. To address social challenges (e.g Depression caused by pregnancy).
Safe abortion Achievements Advocacy and Sensitization on legalization of safe abortion (WLSA and GL and other local CSO). Intervention to ensure implementation of abortion court, for rape victims ( WLSA, Parliamentary SRHR committee, relevant government ministries) Campaigns on safe abortions that are lead by men at the local level.
CHILD MARRIAGES Objectives: Advocate for strengthened legislation on CM To ensure that the agreed age of 18 as minimum age in the Maputo Protocol and the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development is adhered to. Reduce harmful traditional practices Educate children and communities on the dangers and disadvantages of early marriages
Child MARRIAGES Achievements Princess Senate Mohato Seeiso has been appointed as the ambassador by UNICEF for the fight against the Child Marriages. Gender and Legal Education on prevention of GBV and on post care services (WLSA and GL) Advocacy to end Child Marriages ( WLSA, GL, Development and local CSOs) Advocacy to reform the laws and abolish laws that allow for early marriages.