- Strictly Confidential - Smoke Density and Toxicity Analysis of different classification and test methods used in transport modes C. Vinson - GERFLOR - Strictly Confidential -
SMOKE DENSITY Synthesis MARITIME RAILWAY (EU) RAILWAY (USA) AIRCRAFT (USA/EU) AIRCRAFT Classification document IMO / FTP Code 2010 EN 45545-1 EN 45545-2 NFPA 130 FAR Part 25 / CS-25 ABD 0031 (Airbus) BSS (Boeing) Hazard levels HL1 / HL2 / HL3 Test method FTP Part 2 : EN ISO 5659-2 (NBS Smoke chamber) EN ISO 5659-2 ASTM E662 Testing configuration Horizontal Vertical Test time 20 mn 10 mn Irradiation 25 kW/m² with pilot flame and 25 kW/m² without pilot flame and 50 kW/m² without pilot flame 25 kW/m² with pilot flame or 25 kW/m² without pilot flame 25 kW/m² with pilot flame Measured parameters Ds max. (for the 3 types of irradiation) Ds(4) VOF4 Ds(1,5) Level by type of product Bulkheads, linings, ceilings ≤ 200 Primary deck coverings ≤ 400 Floor coverings ≤ 500 - Floor composites, Non listed products Ds max. (25 kW/m²) ≤ 600/300/150 - Seat upholstery Ds max. (25 kW/m²) ≤ 300/300/200 - Interior vertical surfaces, Curtains and sunblind Ds(4) (50 kW/m²) ≤ 600/300/150 VOF4 (50 kW/m²) ≤ 1200/600/300 - Flooring wall and ceiling lining and panels ≤ 100 ≤ 200 Interior ceiling and wall panels, Partitions, Galley structures
SMOKE TOXICITY Synthesis MARITIME RAILWAY (EU) RAILWAY (USA) AIRCRAFT (USA/EU) AIRCRAFT Classification document IMO / FTP Code 2010 EN 45545-1 EN 45545-2 NFPA 130 FAR Part 25 / CS-25 ABD 0031 (Airbus) BSS (Boeing) Hazard levels HL1 / HL2 / HL3 Test method FTP Part 2 : EN ISO 5659-2 + ISO 19702 (FTIR) EN 45545-2 Annex C (EN ISO 5659-2+FTIR) NF X70-100-1 NF X70-100-2 AITM 3.0005 (Airbus) BSS 7239 (Boeing) (ASTM E662+ Gases Analysis methods) Testing configuration Horizontal Vertical Test time 20 mn 10 mn Irradiation 25 kW/m² with pilot flame and 25 kW/m² without pilot flame and 50 kW/m² without pilot flame 25 kW/m² with pilot flame Furnace Temp. : 600°C 25 kW/m² without pilot flame Measured parameters Maximum individual concentration for 7 gases CITG at 4 and 8mn (global index for 8 gases, with a comparison between result and reference concentration ) CITNLP Maximum individual concentration for 6 gases at 1,5 and 4mn Level by type of product CO ≤ 1450 ppm HBr ≤ 600 ppm HCl ≤ 600 ppm HCN ≤ 140 ppm HF ≤ 600 ppm / NOx ≤ 350 ppm SO2 ≤ 120 ppm (200 ppm for floor coverings) Floor composites, Seat upholstery CITG 4 and 8 ≤ 1,2/0,9/0,75 Interior vertical surfaces, Curtains and sunblind CITG4 and 8 Interior seals, Non listed products CO ≤ 3500 ppm HCl ≤ 500 ppm HCN ≤ 150 ppm HF ≤ 200 ppm NO/NO2 ≤ 100 ppm SO2 ≤ 100 ppm
SMOKE DENSITY AND TOXICITY Definitions Measured parameters Ds max.: maximum specific optical density during the total test period Ds(4): product’s specific optical density at the time t = 4 mins Ds(1.5): product’s specific optical density at the time t = 1.5 mins VOF4: modified integral of specific optical density over the first 4 mins CITG: global indexs a toxicity for 8 gases, with a comparison between result and reference CITPNL: concentration Hazard Levels Railway vehicles are classified in accordance with the fire hazard level (HL) dependent on operation and design categories. The three hazard levels are: HL1, HL2 and HL3 with HL1 being the lowest requirement and HL3 being the highest.
SMOKE DENSITY AND TOXICITY Conclusion One apparatus with two different testing configuration : horizontal or vertical, Differents irradiations, 25 or 50 kW/m², with or without pilot flame, Two different test time :10 or 20 minutes, For DENSITY differents measured parameters : Ds at time, Ds max, VOF with different time : 1,5 à 20 minutes, For TOXICITY 2 differents approach : maximum concentration for each gas or global index All these parameters have a significant influence on the result. As it is difficult to determine an ideal configuration, I think it is better to work first on the spread of fire.