1.RESPONSIBLE CITIZENSHIP Duty, responsibilities, whatis right or expected of a citizen Respect & Promote human rights Welfare of others Campaigns&Events/Projectsfight againstviolationof H.R Obey the law Participate in civil and political activities Vote in elections Pay taxes nothing=perpetrator Write a paragraph to explain how you are a responsible citizen? (5) 1 3
2.UBUNTU UBUNTU (*Indigenous Knowledge ) 1.Live in harmony 2. Exist because of others 3. Keep the needs of the community in kind 4. Show respect to everybody Help others Reach out to them Care for others 1
3. KEY WORDS 3.1 Campaigns: A planned series of actions intended to achieve a particular aim 3.2 Events: Planned occasions or activities 3.3 Violation: something that is against the law 3.4 Project: A planned activity that has specific purpose to improve something; it usually takes place over a long time 1
DISCRIMINATION& H.R VIOLATIONS 4. Evaluate: 4.1DEF:You evaluate your position on critically analyzing your : - Opinions -Attitudes -Behaviour 4.2 Account:Bill of Rights campaigns andevents (dpce) address D & H.R 1
5. BILLOF RIGHTS 5.1Cornerstoneof democracy 5.2 Enshrines rights of all people in our country 5.3.1 Dignity 5.3.2 Equality 5.3.3 Freedom (enjoy & respect) 1
6. EXAMPLESOF RIGHTS 6. Identify the following rights? 1
7. DEFINITIONS Discrimination(2) Discriminate against others you treat them: unjustly, unfairly and unequally How can you deal with discrimination? HumanRights Violations(2) Means: Hurting Disrespecting act against someone’s rights call them names being disrespectful Demeaning their dignity How can you assist her by challenging the human rights violations? Becauseyou think they are different from you Race, gender, age, disabilities etc. Dignity and privacy and equality and … What rights has been violated? 1 9
8. SMALL GROUP EXCERCISE Viewpoints on violations of the Bill of rights Work in small groups. Read the statements below and then answer the questions. Explain to your group what position you take on each of the violations. Refer to the Bill of Rights and explain your viewpoint. (20) 1 10
9.DEFINITIONS 9.1 Discussion … dialogues, conversations and talks=sharing info and experiences Formal or informal Commissions 9.2 Projects Pjextended time frame = stretch over years Run by NGO’s, universities and faith basedorganisations Volunteers help out Orange Farm Rights Advice Centre Youth Rights: Human Rights Institute of SA (HURISA) – P117 1 11
9.DEFINITIONS (Cont) 9.3 Campaign Series of action intended to bring about change Against of for something Ex: Clinics in rural areas and anti-drug abuse campaign PeermontSchool SupportProgramme Demand Dignity Campaign (P118) 9.4 Events Planned occasion or activity part of a larger campaign or project Organisedon public holiday(Give me an example?) (Examples of different events…) Youth Month Celebrations(Name the month and why?) Youth Family Congress– P118-119 Women’s day HectorPietersen– 16 June 1 12
CAMPAIGNS & EVENTS Apply Evaluation Criteria Identify aims Aims were achieved Practical: observing, questions, research… Women’s day HectorPietersen– 16 June 1 13
12.TASK 12. 1 Layout of task handout 12.2 Bibliography handout 12.3 Good answer for section A - describe the activity - provide reasons for your topic - which human rights it promotes - apply one or two aspects as a responsible citizen 12.4 Part B’sTable handout Women’s day HectorPietersen– 16 June 1 14
11.HOMEWORK Women’s day HectorPietersen– 16 June 1 15