Defense Mechanisms & Emotions
1. Defense Mechanism An unconscious thought or behavior used to avoid experiencing unpleasant emotions.
Refusing to accept reality. 2. Denial Refusing to accept reality.
Blocking out painful thoughts or feelings. 3. Repression Blocking out painful thoughts or feelings.
4. Idealization Copying someone you think highly of because you don’t feel good about who you are
Redirecting negative impulses into positive behavior. 5. Sublimation Redirecting negative impulses into positive behavior.
Making up for weakness in one area by achieving in another. 6. Compensation Making up for weakness in one area by achieving in another.
Making excuses for or justifying behavior. 7. Rationalization Making excuses for or justifying behavior.
Seeing your own faults or feelings in someone else. 8. Projection Seeing your own faults or feelings in someone else.
9. Daydreaming Imagining pleasant things that take your mind off the unpleasant reality.
Shifting feelings about one person or situation to another. 10. Displacement Shifting feelings about one person or situation to another.
Behaving in a manner opposite to the way you are feeling 11. Reaction Formation Behaving in a manner opposite to the way you are feeling
Reacting to emotions in a childlike or immature fashion. 12. Regression Reacting to emotions in a childlike or immature fashion.
?????????? Do you know anyone who has experienced any of the Defense Mechanisms we just talked about? ??????????
A deep care or concern for someone 13. Love A deep care or concern for someone
Strong feeling of being displeased 14. Anger Strong feeling of being displeased
Feeling or behaving in an unfriendly way 15. Hostility Feeling or behaving in an unfriendly way
A feeling of disappointment 16. Frustration Video clip A feeling of disappointment
A scared feeling, to be afraid. 17. Fear Video/2:15 A scared feeling, to be afraid.
Fear of the future or of the unknown 18. Anxiety Fear of the future or of the unknown
Fear of losing something you already have 19. Jealousy Video/1:06 Fear of losing something you already have Video clip
Wanting something someone else has 20. Envy Wanting something someone else has
A feeling of complete hopelessness 21. Despair A feeling of complete hopelessness
Feeling isolated from others 22. Loneliness Feeling isolated from others
Deep feeling of sadness caused by the loss of someone or something 23. Grief Deep feeling of sadness caused by the loss of someone or something
Feeling of having done something wrong 24. Guilt Video/:35 Feeling of having done something wrong Video clip