Mrs. Valverde’s 2nd grade Pinecrest Glades Academy Home Learning Pinecrest Glades Academy Week of: August 26- 30, 2019 Story of the week: Help! A Story of Friendship (Fantasy) Reading: Visualize (Strategy)/ Key Details (Skill) Grammar: Statements and Questions Writing: Ideas Math: Understanding numbers and place value Social Studies: Introduction to Maps Science: Earth’s Surface/Soil Spanish: Como nos saludamos Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Read 30 minutes Reading: Trifold - Vocabulary Color Definition Language Arts: Trifold – Spelling phonics and grammar section Math: Workbook pages 35-36 Study for Mid-Chapter Quiz tomorrow by reviewing all previous homework. Trifold - Vocabulary strategy Trifold - Mechanics Workbook pages 41-42 Social Studies: Fill in the map (study guide) Workbook pages 47-48 *Early Release* Students leave at 2:00 pm Vocabulary Menu - Pick one activity and complete in your homework journal Spelling Menu – Pick one and complete in your homework journal Workbook pages 53-54 No homework Have a great weekend! Weekly Words: has wag bad six will sat had fix him If can hit why for help Focus: short a and short i Vocabulary Words: actions: things that someone or something does. afraid: to be scared of something. depend: when you need or count on someone. nervously: in a fearful or restless way. peered: looked hard or closely at something. perfectly: in the best possible way. rescue: to save something or someone from danger. secret: private or not known by many people. Assessments: Tuesday: Mid-Chapter Checkpoint (Math) Thursday: Label continents and oceans test (Social Studies) Friday: Cold Read Open-book story of the week comprehension test Vocabulary Test Spelling Test Grammar test