Personal Autonomy and Moral Agency Chapter 3 Burnor & Raley
Autonomy In making choices, individuals are self determining autonomous agents Morally responsible for choices Those that lack autonomy not normally responsible for choices Consider the following examples: See p. 46-47
Personal autonomy To be autonomous 4 conditions must be satisfied Independence condition: capacity to make choices without external constraint or inner compulsion ex: hypnosis, threat (external constraints), obsessive/compulsive behaviors, addictions(internal) Competency condition: Capacity necessary to rationally deliberate upon choices. Understand facts, consequences, relevant values, rationally supported conclusions (ex. P. 48) Authenticity condition: capacity to discern and evaluate values, goals, commitments.
Other issues with autonomy But, what about those who temporarily lose autonomy? Lack moral capacity (Alzheimer's patients, children..etc.) Autonomy in certain situations not others. Ex: fear of heights Oppressive social structures Ex: poor, ethnic groups, religious groups, immigrants
Implications for Autonomy Anyone with autonomy has moral responsibility Persons with inner compulsions or external constraints have little or no moral responsibility. Persons choices must be respected without interference (moral deference) People lacking capacity not owed moral deference Sometimes person’s choices are overruled for their own good (paternalism)
Moral Agents Moral agent-An autonomous person exercising their capacity to make moral choices Different levels of agency depending on capacity Independent choice: exercise capacity to choose without constraint or compulsion Competent choice: make an independent choice and exercise capability to engage in rational deliberation Authentic choice: make a choice that is both independent and competent, and be abele to authentically assess his/her values. Note: End at p.56.