FSA Writing Lets Review
Claim: School uniforms should be required because it allows for a better learning experience. Reason 1: School uniforms may lower crime and make schools a safer place. Evidence: “In Long Beach, CA, after two years of a district-wide K-8 mandatory uniform policy, reports of assault and battery in the district's schools decreased by 34%” (procon.org) Explain/expand: This shows that uniform increases the safety of the students, thus making it easier for students to do what they are there to do: learn. Counterclaim: There are those who believe that “Focusing on uniforms takes attention away from finding genuine solutions to problems in education.” (Procon.org) Rebuttal: Of course there are other issues in education, but we should do everything within our power to minimize school violence, and if uniforms could help, why not implement them? Reason 2: Wearing uniforms increases school spirit. Evidence: “A 2002 study of over 1,000 Texas middle school students found that students in uniform ‘reported significantly more positive perceptions of belonging in their school community’” (procon.org) Explain/expand: Having more school spirit makes students want to come to school which enhances the overall learning experience. Counterclaim: Some may argue that enforcing school uniforms creates conformity and doesn’t allow for individual expression. Rebuttal: Feeling like you are part of a group is not necessarily a negative thing and students can always express themselves in ways that are more important than the clothes they wear. School Uniforms Procon.org
Social Networking: Good or Bad Claim: Reason 1: Evidence: Explain/expand: Counterclaim: Rebuttal: Reason 2: Evidence: Explain/expand: Counterclaim: Rebuttal: Social Networking: Good or Bad Procon.org
Claim: Reason 1: Evidence: Explain/expand: Counterclaim: Rebuttal: Lower drinking age Procon.org
Thesis statements/claim One sentence that gives the reader a clear understanding of what is to come in your essay. It answers the question being asked in the prompt and gives the reasons. Example: Technology is beneficial to society because it makes people more productive. Answer Reason
School Uniforms School uniforms should be required because it allows for a better learning experience.
Social Networking: Good or Bad
Lower drinking age
Intro This is the first paragraph of your essay It should: Grab the readers attention Address the writing situation And end with your thesis statement
School Uniforms Attention grabber: Imagine a world in which students are eager to come to school everyday and can learn with little to no distractions. In this world, students don’t focus on the differences amongst them; they feel like they are all part of an accepting community. Transition/ linking statements: We can come much closer to this fantasy if schools adopted a uniform policy. Thesis/ claim: School uniforms should be required because it allows for a better learning experience.
Social Networking Attention grabber: Transition/ linking statements: Thesis/ claim:
Drinking age Attention grabber: Transition/ linking statements: Thesis/ claim: