Figure 1. Eligibility for DirigoChoice Subsidies and MaineCare Expansions Income as a percent of the federal poverty level Source: Dirigo Health Agency, 2007.
Figure 2. Cumulative Net Enrollment in DirigoChoice, January 2005–September 2006 Members Sole proprietor/Individual enrollment cap lifted Sole proprietor/Individual enrollment cap reached MaineCare expansion to parents 150% FPL–200% FPL Individual enrollment begins Freeze on childless adult MaineCare enrollment Date Source: Mathematica Policy Research tabulation of DirigoChoice member enrollment data as of September 2006.
Figure 3. Average Change in Employer Contribution Under DirigoChoice Compared with Prior Coverage Average reported differences between DirigoChoice and previous plan Source: Mathematica Policy Research 2006 Survey of Small Employers in Maine.
Figure 4. Dirigo Health Financing Sources, 2006 Savings Offset Payment 31% DirigoChoice Member Contribution 40% State General Funds (carryover from 2005) 29% Sources: 2007 Dirigo Health Agency allocation request to the Maine legislature; Dirigo Health Agency, 2006, Annual Report: Program Overview 2005 & 2006.