New Faces, Old Places
Indo-European Migration Semi-nomadic People From the steppes Language similarities Migrations happen over a long period of time
Hittites When: 2000-1190 bce Anatolia Asia Minor = present day Turkey Spreads out to occupy southwest Asia (Mesopotamia) Blended traditions with those they conquered Took Hammurabi’s code but made it more forgiving Great War Technology Chariots Smelted iron into weapons Egypt Wanted to conquer it, but settled on a peace treaty What happened to them?
Minoans When: 2000-1400bce Island in the Mediterranean So seafaring with much trade Knossos capitol city with a magnificent palace Art and Architecture: pottery, frescos, almost pre-Greek style architecture; art shows graceful, athletic people; no fortifications Religion and Women: polytheistic, women had a high rank – Mother Earth Goddess; sacrifice King Minos Labyrinth and the Minotaur Mysterious End
Phoenicians 1100-842bce Powerful Traders on Mediterranean Not an Empire – a collection of city states: Tyre, Byblos, Sidon Excellent Shipbuilders – and seafarers – first to go beyond the Mediterranean Manufactured purple dye Colonies into North Africa = Carthage Craftsmen in wood, metal, glass, ivory Developed First alphabet!
Aryans Through the passes into Indus 1500-250 B.C. – from over the Hindu Kush Sacred Kit = Vedas 4 collections of prayers, magical spells and instructions for rituals Major Kingdom = Magadha – will occupy most of India Mahabharata: longest epic poem Caste System: Aryan v. non-Aryan; varnas Brahmins Kshatriyas Vaishyas Shudras