FPFE From provincial to national level 76 members individuals and associations FPFE Youth section: female and male members Reelection of the National Coordinator for 4 years Facebook : FPFE Action plan draft Project drafting committee
ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT Presentation of 2018 achievements and 2019 prospects ,with GL , to partners UNFPFA, GIZ, European Union, UNDP, African Union. National Celebration of the International day for women : 08 March : in Majunga Regional celebration in Vatomandry with a raising awareness session on GBV, Human rights and SRHR FPFE Fort-Dauphin organizes the conference debate on the fight against GBV.
16 days campaign: TV broadcast on GBV, early marriage, and unintended pregnancies Raising awareness sessions with young people
1-TV Broadcast on SRHR , GBV , EARLY ARRIAGE AND UNINTENDED PREGNANCY 2-Young people participating in sensitization campaign.
16 days campaign 2018
Audit of Malagasy laws on SRHR legislation and Family Planning: Audit of Malagasy laws on SRHR legislation and Family Planning: 1- SRHR and Family planning law: promulgated, available as of January 2018 2-Abortion is not authorized in Madagascar 3- Madagascar is engaged in 2020 strategic plan . There is a plan for acceleration but the objective is not acjieved yet , the rate is still 1,5% per year. Partners Mapping April 2019 Women's Leadership: FPFE as Panelist at the Women's Leadership Contest and Women's Leadership Workshop.
Participation in the seminar of the civil society from 21-22-23 May 2019 ; on the theme "Health and Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Madagascar". Testimonies from two men from Foulpointe CECJ at the launch of the fight against GBV and early marriage organized by the Malagasy First Lady, Diego 2 June 2019: Training on the role of Civil Society to the Association "Mandravasarotra".
12 June 2019: Workshop with actors in Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) in order to update the mapping in SRHR in Madagascar, and a prioritization of SRHR activities. Priorities : 1-Menstrual health 2-GBV 3-Comprehensive Sexual education Launch of the SRHR activities:awaiting for the date from the Ministry of Health ,
GBV action plan and Menstrual Health presentations, by the National Coordinator , Via Yolande ,and Dr Razafindrafara Georgette
WAY FORWARD CSE presentation , by Dr Heredia Better communication within the organization: appointing head of antenna in the regions Strengthening the national SRHR cluster 16 days campaigns : 1-White marches 2- Young Raising awareness sessions
Discussions on: the importance of SRHR and women’s rights 3-Debates and Discussions on: the importance of SRHR and women’s rights Young associations education on SRHR ,focusing on access to youth service centers Group work