Regional trends on international protection in the region 2013
Refugee protection context in the Americas 35, 8 million people of UNHCR interest in the region 10,5 million: number of refugees globally. Refugees in the Americas at the end of 2012: 806.600
PROTECTION CHALLENGES Reception y reference to adequate procedures in the context of migration flows Quality asylum systems (protection vs. abusive applications) Gender based and sexual orientation based persecution and violence Refugee protection of victims of trafficking Durable solutions and integration in countries of asylum without discrimination
PROTECTION CHALLENGES Non-accompanied minors. Based on the U.S. Customs and Border Protection the numbers of non-accompanied minors increased from less than 10,000 in 2008 to 25,000 in 2012. Measure for those children that are fleeing from persecution or violence are very important in the present scenario. This This, along with other matters, should be one of the strategic lines of action for States, international organizations and civil society.
PROTECTION CHALLENGES Forms of persecution and violence causing displacement The case of Colombians: Voluntary return processes??? The case of Extra-continental migrants (country of origin information) The Cuban´s case (acces to asylum procedures and non refoulement)
PROTECTION CHALLENGES Another trend that is having a great importance is the one related to violence and the impact of organized crime in the mobility of Central American nationals.
PROTECTION CHALLENGES Honduras: Creation of the Comisión Interinstucional par la Protección de las Desplazadas por la Violencia (5 Nov 2013) El Salvador: Workshop on “New trends on displacement and protection needs in CA”. (29 Oct-1 Nov 2013) Memorandum of Understanding with Ombudsman of El Salvador (31 Oct 2013)
THANK YOU! Luis Diego Obando Unidad Legal Regional para las Americas