Annual Performance Plan Manabela Chauke, Director, PSiRA 2018/19 Annual Performance Plan Budget Overview Manabela Chauke, Director, PSiRA 24 April 2018
DELEGATION COUNCIL MEMBERS: Professor Fikile Mazibuko :Chairperson of Council Mr. Nhlanhla Ngubane : Deputy Chairperson of Council Major Gen: Cynthia Phillison : Council Member Mr. Zwile Zulu : Council Member Mr. Mathews Oliphant : Council Member MANAGEMENT TEAM Mr Manabela(Sam) Chauke : Director Mrs. Mmatlou Sebogodi : Deputy Director Finance and Admin
PRESENTATION OVERVIEW PART A: STRATEGIC OVERVIEW Our Mandate Strategic Goals Strategic Objectives Main Policy focus areas PART B: ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN Programme 1: Finance and Administration Programme 2: Law Enforcement Programme 3: Communications, Registration (CRM) and Training PART C: MEDIUM TERM BUDGET 2018 MTEF Budget 2018 Expenditure Estimates 2018/2019 Key Spending Drivers 2018/19 Contractual obligations Cost Containment Measures
LEGISLATIVE MANDATE The primary objectives of PSiRA are to regulate the private security industry and to exercise effective control over the practice of the occupation of security service provider in the public and national interest and in the interest of the private security industry itself. SUMMARY OF THE MANDATE: Promote a legitimate Industry subject to the Constitution and other laws of the Country; Ensure the Industry act in public and national interest; Determine and enforce minimum occupational conduct by service providers; Ensure transparent, fair, objective and timeous registration process; Ensure compliance through active monitoring and investigation of service providers; and Promote services that responds to the need of users and of the community,
STRATEGIC GOALS Goal 1: To ensure excellent service delivery (effective regulation) in the private security industry; Goal 2: Ensure effective training, registration and regulation within the private security industry; Goal 3: Ensure good governance across the organisation;
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Ensure effective financial management Ensure efficient and effective Processes and Systems To improve performance of the organisation Increased investigation and prosecution to enforce compliance with applicable legislation Increased awareness on the functions and role of PSiRA and its stakeholders Improve the integrity and the turnaround time of registration Conduct research to inform development of policy and legislative direction of the private security industry
MAIN POLICY FOCUS AREAS OVER THE 2018/19 Review funding model (Guarantee fund and Levies Act). Organisational Review and Redesign to review its structure to ensure adequate capacity to support its legal mandate. Review of training standards for the Private Security Industry. Capacitating the Law Enforcement Programme: to reduce inspector/security business ratio of 1:120. Strengthening Corporate Governance: Industry Sector committees. Transformation of the Security Industry. Continuous awareness of PSiRA brand.
PROGRAMME 1 - OVERVIEW Purpose : Provide leadership, strategic management and administrative support to the Authority Measurable Objectives The programme aims to ensure effective leadership, management and administrative support to the Authority through continuous refinement of organisational strategy and structure in line with appropriate legislation and best practices There are three sub- programmes: Sub-Programme: Finance and Administration Sub-Programme: Business Information Technology Sub-Programme: Human Capital
PROGRAMME 2 - OVERVIEW Purpose : Ensure that there are effective regulations in the security industry and enforcement of law and compliance to the regulations Measurable Objectives The programme aims to ensure that Security Service Providers comply with the regulations by doing regular inspections for both security officers and security businesses. Ensure that those who are not complying with the regulations are charged and prosecuted. There are three sub- programmes: Sub-Programmes: Enforcement Sub-Programmes: Compliance Sub-Programmes: Legal Services and Prosecution
PROGRAMME 3 - OVERVIEW Purpose : Provide effective stakeholder engagement. Ensure that training standards are adhered to and the registration process is done in accordance with the PSiR Act. Measurable Objectives Ensure effective and meaningful stakeholder communication. Ensure that all training institutions are aligned to the required standard of training. Ensure that the registration process is effective and authentic. Continuous research to support core business initiatives and policy development. There are four sub-programmes within this programme: Sub-Programme: Communications and Stakeholder Management Sub-Programme: Industry Registration (CRM) Sub-Programme: Industry Training Sub-Programme: Industry Research and Development
Programme 3: Communications, Registration & Training
Programme 3: Communications, Registration & Training
Programme 3: Communications, Registration & Training
Programme 3: Communications, Registration & Training
BUDGET OVERVIEW 2018/19 Tittle Goes here…
2018 MTEF budget Budget growth over the MTEF period is estimated at an average of 7.5% which is mainly collected through annual fees and administration fees. Future estimates and plans indicates a higher growth in expenditure vs revenue( budget)with the existing funding model.
Expenditure : 2015/16 to 2018/19 Expenditure has increased by an average of 13% over the 4-year period. In the 2018/19 budget personnel costs represent 59% of the total expenditure with rental expenses being the second highest cost at 11% and travelling the third highest at 6%.
2018/19 Key Spending Drivers
2018/19 Key Spending Drivers cont. Employee Costs: increased by 21% due to employee annual cost of living salary increase. Provision for additional 15 employees will be recruited in 2018/19 financial year to capacitate core business units. (Inspectors, Legal Personnel and Walk-in-Consultants). Property Rental: 35% increase: to improve the geographical footprint and to ensure efficient, accessible quality service. New offices in Pretoria, Bloemfontein, Polokwane, Nelspruit and Empangeni. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).
2018/19 Key Spending Drivers cont.… Travelling Costs: 9% decrease. Reviewed travel policy in place that supports and promote PSiRA Cost containment measures plans Stationery, Printing, Courier & Postage: 30% decrease. Cost containment measures in place through monitoring of costs and the reduction of overnight courier. Telephone and Diginet: 9% increase. The additional costs include Telephone and Data cost for new offices. Advertising: 72% increase. The additional costs include the branding of new offices and media campaigns to ensure the awareness of the PSiRA brand. .
2018/19 Key Spending Drivers cont. … Security Costs: 22% increase. Provision of physical security, cash management services and armed response at the new offices. Water, electricity and Levies: 4% increase. Operational costs for new offices new offices. *Other: 16% increase. Professional consulting costs for the review of Training Standards Organisational Development and corporate climate survey. Maintenance of new offices. (*Audit fees, legal fees, depreciation, consulting, repairs and maintenance, workshops and seminars and employee training).
2018/19 Contractual obligations Contractual Items Duration Office Rental Leases (HO, Umtata, DBN, CPT, PLK, MP, JHB, BLF & PE Averaging <5 years Office Printers 3 years IT Systems 2 years implementation, 3 years Maintenance & ongoing licence fees Security Averaging <3 years Cash Collection EAP 2 years Outsourcing of Travel Services Finger Print Verification Outsourcing of Internal Audit Organisational design <1 year
Cost Pressures Expansion of geographical footprint through new additional offices to bring service delivery closer to customers and improve quality of service. Establishment costs Employee Costs Training Information Systems Office furniture Operational cost Municipal Costs Security
Cost Containment Measures Minimise travelling through early bookings and by reducing the number of people travelling. Use of internal venues and other available government venues. The appointment of consultants to be done after an analysis of needs and a diagnosis of the skills gap. Spend Manager to manage 3G Data utilisation. Utilisation of in-house official to configure systems and infrastructure.
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