What is not counted does not count!!!! SADC 2019 BAROMETERS What is not counted does not count!!!!
The Barometer Journey …
The #VoiceandChoice Barometer Chapters Relation to previous Barometer Chapters 1 Intro 2. Sexual and reproductive health SRHR - Health 3. Comprehensive Sexual Education and Teenage pregnancies Education 4. Safe abortion Constitutional and legal Rights 5. HIV and AIDS HIV and AIDS 6. GBV GBV 7. Harmful practices Constitutional and legal rights 8. Sexual Diversity New Gender and Governance Economic Justice Gender and Climate Change
The yardsticks SRHR= 100 SGDI Empirical data 39 indicators in nine sectors (peace and security) All standardised to 100 Unique indicators – media, attitudes, GRA Ref group meetings CSC Perceptions (40 targets, not 28) Reference group meetings Village workshops. All ten areas
Top level results
High level findings Scores down (SGDI from 59% to 61%) CSC from 62% to 66%)
Country performance
Barometer data centre http://genderlinks.org.za/what-we-do/sadc-gender-protocol/barometer-data-centre/
Red lights and green lights Women in politics SRHR strategy Decriminalisation in six countries Mozambique, age of marriage Contradictions – harmful practices Child marriages Homophobia HIV/GBV GBV Patriarchy Attitudes Behaviors
Gender Progress Score (GPS)
Contradictions .. possibilities 49% people should be treated the same – male or female 46% - A woman should obey her husband Only 15% - if a woman beats his wife shows he loves her 45% - a man should share the house work
Gender benders
New generation …
Change is possible ….in our lifetime!