Swim Team Review Committee Meeting NIS
Welcome & Introductions NIS Welcome & Introductions Introduction of Parents Introduction of Team Captains Introduction of Coaches
General feedback from parents & suggestions NIS General feedback from parents & suggestions Review of the season What went well? What shall we improve on? Any other suggestions?
General feedback from team captains & suggestions NIS Review of the season What went well? What shall we improve on? Any other suggestions?
Reason behind this meeting: INCLUSION & STUDENT VOICE & CHOICE NIS Reason behind this meeting: INCLUSION & STUDENT VOICE & CHOICE Inclusion of all Student’s voice and choice Aim is to bring all parents (and swimmers) together of different backgrounds (bridging cultural differences) Team dinners, team work / bonding, helpers for swim meets etc.
Philosophy of NIS / Swim Team NIS sporting philosophy: Respect, Commitment & Sportsmanship Swim Team: emphasizing Commitment & Effort while keeping school’s sporting philosophy in mind. Aiming to build a long-term athlete development model for NIS. This model is leaned onto the American/Canadian Model
NIS Swim Team Development Model Character Development Biomechanical Progressions (technique) Physiological Progressions Psychological Skills
Re-selection into the Swim Team NIS Re-selection into the Swim Team Invitation back into team to swimmers who showed commitment to training and meets & effort – all others need to attend try-outs.
Team Kit: we are doing great! (Photo) NIS Team Kit: we are doing great! (Photo) No team kit, no team event (relays: suits & caps!) Is everyone happy with the swim suits? If not, we need to re-design.
NIS Future amendments Less meets, more quality – which meets do we keep, which do we tweak, which do we dump? Working together with local clubs / Nanjing British School Workshops/Camps/World Class athletes? Suggestions? Developing a ‘Platinum Squad’: based on commitment, effort, performance? – What do we offer? International meets / Training Camps (Platinum swimmers only?)