2 parts to the references in-text citations and a bibliography section. References let the reader know where you got your information from. YOU NEED 5 SOURCES USED IN TEXT AND LISTED IN YOUR BIBLIOGRAPHY!
In text citations When you include a fact in your science fair project, you must follow it with a reference showing where that fact came from. At the end of the sentence that uses the fact, you will include parenthesis with the author’s name and the year that the fact was published. You can also incorporate the author and year in the sentence. For example: Carbohydrates can take the form of sugars or starches, and are the main energy source for most living organisms (Nordqvist, Christian 2017). OR According to Nordqvist and Christian in 2017, carbohydrates can take the form of sugars or starches, and are the main energy source for most living organisms.
Bibliography lists all the sources used during your science fair project. You are required to have a minimum of 5 sources. You will list these sources in what’s called MLA or APA format. This format specifies the order, capitalization, punctuation, font, italics, underline, etc. for your bibliography. This website can be used to generate the information and format needed for your bibliography:
The following is an example of formatting for your bibliography: Last name, First name of author. “Title of article.” Website name, copyright year. <web address> Lundman, Susan. "How to Make Vegetarian Chili." eHow, 2017.