rbrittingham@bradleyschools.org 423-309-4551 Bradley County Schools Robert Brittingham Department of Instruction Evaluations & Licensure rbrittingham@bradleyschools.org 423-309-4551
Project COACH Observation Model A collaborative, coaching model based on the work of Kim Marshall
Project COACH This model is about developing a shared understanding of what good teaching looks like 4 level Scoring System This model is primarily about development and collaboration
Design of Mini-Observations Principals see everyday teaching in action Principals give prompt, meaningful feedback Teachers and evaluators discuss feedback
Components to each mini-observation Classroom Observation 1 Unannounced Minimum of 10 minutes Teacher planning session, parent meeting, extra-curricular activity.
Components to each mini-observation Communication 2 Administrator discusses observation with teacher, giving specific and actionable feedback on both strengths and areas for growth Meeting will be face-to-face Meetings to last 5-10 minutes Ideally occurs in classroom or neutral location Administrator to deliver feedback within 2 school days
Components to each mini-observation Documentation 3 Administrator completes the observation template in T-Eval including brief notes on the observation with a focus on the feedback conversation within 5 school days The template will provide teachers with an opportunity to respond in writing
The number of length of observations will range from 4 to 8, depending upon the teacher’s certification and any previous observation data.
Components of Summative Evaluation Observations/Evidence 1 Minimum required mini-observations Additional non-classroom observations conducted Other information such as portfolios or artifacts, if applicable
Components of Summative Evaluation Scoring/Feedback 2 Administrator scores each teacher across all indicators within the applicable domains Rating of 1-4 (1=Does not meet standards; 4=Highly effective) Administrator provides comments, examples Administrator selects “allow teacher to view”
Components of Summative Evaluation Communication 3 Evaluator communicates evaluation to teacher during conference Individualized professional growth plan is developed in collaboration with teacher PIP developed when required Evaluator “submits” evaluation
Portfolios/Artifacts Specific artifacts identified by the administrator as a requirement must be submitted by the last date for mini-observations. Additional artifacts may be submitted by the teacher in response to any scored indicators on the summative. These artifacts must be submitted within 5 days of the Summative Conference.
Artifacts to use for Summatives
Licensure - TNCompass Practitioner License 3- year license, may be renewed one time Professional License 6- year license
Licensure Advance Practitioner License to Professional License 3 years of experience Documentation of 30 professional development points (PDPs).
Licensure Renewal of Professional License Documentation of 60 professional development points (PDPs).
PDPs developing content knowledge or enhancing educator effectiveness Professional Learning 1 clock hour = 1 PDP Documentation - Certificate, transcript, or verification signed by the director of schools (or designee)
PDPs LOE Scores Overall Score of 5 = 20 PDPs College/University Coursework 1 semester hour credit = 10 PDPs Documentation – Transcript LOE Scores Overall Score of 5 = 20 PDPs Overall Score of 4 = 15 PDPs Overall Score of 3 = 10 PDPs Documentation – Provided by TDOE *An LOE score for the current year cannot be used towards PDPs to renew a license due to delay in scores being finalized.
Next Steps Bradley County Schools Website T-EVAL – Login & self assessment (bcs2018) missing license number ? TNCompass Achievement Worksheet Mini Observations begin When in doubt – rbrittingham@bradleyschools.org