Trijets in Neutral Current Deep Inelastic Scattering A Proposal for Studies Using the 1998 -2000 Data Liang Li University of Wisconsin HERA, ZEUS data(intended 96-00, current 96-97) 100GeV<Q2<10000GeV e+ energy 27.5GeV p energy 920Gev Introduction: SM QCD Various Methods to Determine αs DIS Structure Function PDF Feynman Diagrams (1,2,3 jets) The ratio of the three-jet to the dijet cross section R3/2 and αs Jet Algorithms Breit Frame Lab Frame MC Models NLO Experimental Context
96-97 Data Offline Cuts: Start from Dijets Cuts • Detector Acceptance and Efficiency yJB > 0.04 positron found with E > 10 GeV vertex cut: -50cm < z < 50 cm positron position cut: |X| > 14 cm or |Y| > 14 cm • Signal Selection 38 GeV < E-Pz < 65 GeV A well found track with p > 5 GeV & DCA < 15 cm yEL < 0.95 Give reasons here: • Physics and Kinematic Requirement 100 GeV2 < Q2 < 10000 GeV2 Three jets found using KTCLUS algorithm || < 2.0 ETLAB > 5 GeV New requirement added to Dijets ET,1BRT > 8 GeV, ET,2BRT > 5 GeV , ET,3BRT > 5 GeV
First Look at DIS Trijets (DA) ReconstructedQ2, x, y by Double Angle method Q2 x Use LO Ariadne for all MC OK agreement between data and Ariadne y Area normalized
First Look at ZEUS DIS Trijets Conclusions First glance at DIS Trijets at ZEUS shows reasonable agreement between data & Ariadne LO Ariadne MC used from Dijet Analysis without changes -> a good starting point Plans Calculate cross sections and compare in detail with other QCD calculations and different MC programs (LO & NLO) Add 1998-2000 data for more statistics Explore systematic uncertainties Hadron and Parton Level Comparison?