The Ministry of Public Administration
Croatian Public Administration System State administration Local and regional self-government Public services
The State Administration Two levels of the state administrative bodies: 1. Central level – ministries, state administrative organizations, central state offices 2. Lower level – state administrative departments, one in each county
The Government A body which shall exercise the executive powers in conformity with the Constitution and law The Government shall pass decrees, introduce legislation, propose the state budget, decide in cases of conflict of jurisdiction between government institutions, give answers to representatives’ questions and adopt strategies of economic and social development The Government consists of the Prime Minister, one or more Deputy Prime Ministers and Ministers
The Prime Minister and the members of the Government are jointly responsible for decisions passed by the Government and individually responsible for their respective portfolios Currently there are 20 Ministries
Local Self-Government Local self-government units: municipalities and towns (429 municipalities – rural areas and 126 towns – urban areas)
Regional self-government Regional self-government units: counties 20 counties and the City of Zagreb - the City of Zagreb as the country’s capital enjoys a special status of both city and county County – a unit of regional self-government whose territory represents a natural, historical, traffic, economic, social whole, organized for the purpose of performing tasks of regional interest
Public services Centrally financed public services: education, health service, social security service and science Locally financed: pre-school education, libraries and museums, utility services
Ministry of Public Administration
Establishment The Ministry of Public Administration was established in December 2011 by the Act on Organisation and Scope of Ministries and Other Central State Administration Bodies (OG 150/11)
Mission and vision Mission of MPA is is permanent enhancement of the public administration system with a view to ensuring and protecting the public interest, legality of operations and provision of services which enable citizens and business entities to exercise their rights. Vision of MPA is a modern and client-oriented public administration.
Translate the following into Croatian: The Ministry performs administrative and other professional tasks related to: the system and organisation of state administration and local and regional self-government; political and electoral system; civil status; registration of political parties, trusts, foundations and other registers established by special laws; planning and supervision of employment in state administration; professional training and development, and the labour status of state administration and local and regional self-government employees; fostering scientific and professional development of state administration; tasks of the administrative and inspectional supervision of all state administration and local and regional self-government bodies;
Ministarstvo obavlja upravne i stručne poslove koji se odnose na: sustav i ustrojstvo državne uprave i lokalne i regionalne samouprave; politički i izborni sustav; osobna stanja građana; registraciju političkih stranaka, fondova, zaklada i drugih evidencija utvrđenih posebnim zakonima; planiranje i nadzor zapošljavanja u državnoj upravi; stručno osposobljavanje i usavršavanje te radnopravni položaj zaposlenih u državnoj upravi i lokalnoj i područnoj (regionalnoj) samoupravi; poticanje znanstvenog i stručnog razvitka državne uprave; poslove upravnog i inspekcijskog nadzora u svim tijelima državne uprave i lokalne i regionalne samouprave
Translate the following phrases: the development of the state administration IT system; establishment of information technology and security infrastructure in state administration bodies; rationalisation of the use of IT resources in state administration bodies; interconnection of the IT systems of state administration bodies via a single ICT network; unified procurement of IT resources for state administration bodies.
razvitak informacijskog sustava državne uprave; uspostavu tehnološke i sigurnosne informatičke infrastrukture u tijelima državne uprave; racionalizaciju uporabe informatičkih resursa u tijelima državne uprave; povezivanje informacijskih sustava tijela državne uprave kroz jedinstvenu informacijsko-komunikacijsku mrežu; obavljanje objedinjene nabave informatičkih resursa za tijela državne uprave.
“Public Administration Minister Says Croatia Working to Downsize Bureaucracy!” ZAGREB, February 14, 2019 - Public Administration Minister L. Kuščević on Thursday called well-intentioned the International Monetary Fund's criticism that Croatia should reduce the state administration, saying the government was working on it. "I agree the state administration and operations should be downsized. However, the government is working on it. Don't forget that we are in the third round of the tax reform, that we have eased the burden on citizens, local and regional self-government units by several billions, that GDP is growing and that the financial growth outlook has also improved," Kuščević told the press. A journalist remarked that he must admit that no one had the courage to downsize as much as wanted by the IMF, he said it could not be done by saying, "now we'll downsize by 10, 20, 30%." "The Ministry is working on a stream of projects aimed at downsizing public administration, but these projects must provide the answer as to which administration, how many people, which jobs and who will take them on, and digitisation in itself will result in downsizing," said Kuščević.
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