Gr 8: Development of Self in Society Term 1 Lesson 3-Strategies and personal potential
Talents Self talk External factors Self-esteem Self motivation Before we get started lets recap on some important lessons we’ve learnt so far on self-concept and self-esteem. Let’s see who can remember what these phrases mean.. Use a few minutes to run a short test. Get the learners to write the words down and their defenition of the term. Let them check their answers against the list below. TALENTS: Potential abilities we are born with eg. Artistic, dance, maths SELF MOTIVATION: This is the internal push that makes you want to do something. SELF-ESTEEM: How we feel about ourselves. EXTERNAL FACTORS: These include many external influences that affect our self concept- eg family and media. SELF TALK: refers to the conversations we have with ourselves to help us become more confident.
Personal Potential: This is our ability to do certain things. i. e Personal Potential: This is our ability to do certain things. i.e. You may be good at playing cricket and therefore have the potential to be a provinincial cricketer. 5min max: To grow our potential we need to know what talents and skills we have. We can only reach our full potential with hard work and self motivation. Sometimes, we allow the difficult circumstances we experience to influence our self-concept and even impact our potential. We’re going to watch a clip about Jenny whose father was an alcoholic. I want you to think about what effect her circumstances had on her self-concept and how overcoming her fears and insecurities helped her see her own potential.
10-15min to this point: Allow time for leaerners to discuss in their groups the answers to he two questions on self-concept/self-esteem and potential. Help them see the effect of her alcoholic father and his actions had on her self concept. Take some time to discuss the effect of alcohol abuse in the home. Allow oportunity for learners to share or ask questions. This could be a key teaching moment to address some of the dangers of alcohol. Lastly, focus on her discovery of being a great wrestler and how she discovered that through difficult circumstances.
Looking at the clips from your homework... 1) In a paragraph explain the authers story. 2) What external factors influenced her/his self esteem? 3) What impact did the external factors have on her/his self esteem? 4) Give an example of POSITIVE SELF TALK phrases she/he used. 5) Give an example of a talent/ ability that was realised had greater potential. 10-15min: Based on the 2 clips the learners completed for homework, they will now fill in Activity 3_The effect of the story. Learners will need to complete these questions in their workbook as part of their preperation for their task.
TERM 1: WRITTEN TASK DUE DATE: Intro to written task for the term. Include on this slide submission date.
Have you ever thought of publishing your own story? The remainder of the lesson will be spent discussing the written task and guiding learners through the initial writing and brainstorming of their story. Use the guidelines in the brief to take them through the planning stages. The online site is a place where they could upload their story and if its accepted, the site will animate their story and post it online. For this task, they will actually NOT be uploading the story, but planning as though they were. Should you as a teacher wish to include the upload as part of the task, rather write a letter to the parents, requesting permission for them to upload on you tube or maybe better, leave the option with the class and then send a letter.
Section A: Written task If you have time remaining after explaining the task, you could start Section A from the written task.