Locating Plate Boundaries
Warm-Up: Convection and Seafloor Spreading and finish model Key Question OBJECTIVE How are volcanoes and earthquakes used to locate plate boundaries? WHAT: Students will determine the locations of plate boundaries WHY: To develop the Theory of Plate Tectonics HOW: Will plot the locations of volcanoes and earthquakes
Use: http://volcano.oregonstate.edu/vol cano_table Volcanoes Use: http://volcano.oregonstate.edu/vol cano_table Find and plot (red dots) 8 volcanoes in each: NW hemisphere SW hemisphere NE hemisphere SE hemisphere
Earthquakes Use: USGS Earthquake locator - be sure setting is on 30 days (magnitude 2.5+) Find and plot (blue dots) 8 earthquakes in each: NW hemisphere SW hemisphere NE hemisphere SE hemisphere